Hi i would like to know the top 5 EB for gold i mean the 5 Best EB if i want to earn gold. I know that haunting is the best...but i want to try other EB... So please CAN you give me the top 5 gold EB thank you
1: haunting 2: no mans land[/color2] 3: figure of death 4: destroyer The last mmmmmm can be any of the higher ebs
1 and 1a- Nml/haunting, depending on build and activity will determine which is best. 3-5 in no order are ambush, NQ, and FOD Honorable mention goes to origins
My top 3 ebs are 1. FoD 2. Haunting 3. Nml But thats as a hansel with a 40m bonus to attack from equipment. If I had no equipment, it would be 1. Haunting 2. Nml 3. Ambush
Personally I like Nml Haunting Fod Nml cause I do the pot phases so I get the bonus gold, if not the haunts are number 1 obv