Ok we know devs need make profit from kaw but seems now they taking the piss I spent money and the game changed so much ( wondering if there's a legal suit ) Event after event now sacks and stockings Making the guys that want spend race ahead of everyone else This was always case but the gaps getting wider Yes they want to make money it's a business but what happened to loyalty of players what happened to the actual game we all loved What the hell has kaw become ?
I don't understand? Stocking gets you chance at rewards while sack gets you plunder spells? Everyone can only open Stocking once every 24 hours? How is spending money giving people chance to race ahead of others in this event?
Don't need constant events, events used to be a special surprise once in a while but now there's always an event smh
Exactly and now u will be awarded xtra sacks and stickings that u won't have time to open unless you buy nobs And you will so want open even if a crap prize because u have them
All of the extra plunder spells w max xtals on hte create too much inflation and will ultimately ruin the game, I can see kaw is going downhill already.
I don't see the problem. I've just got a 10% eb plunder bonus for 1 hour. What more could a person hitting others wish for? Ty kaw Santa
10% not an issue but when ppl stack all spells and make 400b per hte it drops the value of all other Ebs
Might as well rename the game to promos at war. This current promo has me border line leaving the game. Nothing will ever change in this game unless the big $$$$ spending leaderboard speak up. For a prime example: the new pots they made, many leaderboard players made threads saying its a bad idea. A day later they were gone. Us people who dont spend money complain, nothing happens lol.
The only way kaw is gona change is if everybody bans together and say enuf is enuf quit spending on the game til they make a change.you dont have to spend money as with anything else take your money elsewhere i know this is a social game and a war game.you can be social and war without spending money til you see the changes you want take effect.get enuf ppl with like minds it will force change
Everyone always used to complain that there weren't enough events, and now that there are events, everyone wants the devs to slow down. Nobody is ever happy with anything they receive. Just be glad you are getting anything at all.
Everyone did not complain about not enuf events. Only the ppl who wanted more freebies n shortcuts did. Warriors want more n better wars. EB Faeries want nothin to do with war n only want eb's that offer whatever button smashing can offer up. Add to that any event that helps.