Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Samus, Jun 8, 2012.

  1. I have a War strategy that is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE!
    Please post the problems with this strategy on this forum.
    ~thank you

    Here is the strategy step by step.

    1. A decent sized member declares War on another clan.

    2. Amusing they except, another member with 0 gold joins the war RIGHT BEFORE it starts.

    3. The original member that declared the War must leave BEFORE the opposing clan land any hits on him. (I would have him pinned before the start to be safe.)

    4. There must be other members of the clan that can hold their own against the opposing clan.

    5. At the end of the War, the best members of the can will ambush the opposing clan. (If they haven't gotten board and forfeited already. :twisted: )

    ~thank you again
  2. Been tried so so outcomes nothing special.
  3. Flaws: 1)must be an osf with no allies, or it wouldn't work.
    2) it's stupid and a boring waste of time for both sides
    3) your members are likely to start a war while hitting the BL during the war
    4) must agree to not locked roster war
    5) other clan can just have an osf join as well
  4. The member with 0 gold has to stay pinned the duration...even pure spies can be stolen from if above 20% spies
  5. This is one reason people lost interest in warring. Turned into who's the best turtle
  6. Actually pure spies can be stolen from 0d, been there, done that. Have towers, full pots, and be large. Then pray you win
  7. My war strategy: Hit other clan.

  8. Or use a 0/0/0/0 player, they cant be hit at all
  9. Delphin....that is a great strategy
  10. In SW anyone can be hit. HLBC can hit starter stats.

    Your plan is flawed Silent.
  11. Not starter stats but no stats...or can they be hit too?
  12. You never join a war just before it starts.
    Then your active for the whole war and may leak if not available all the time
  13. No stats can also be hit, or everyone would be a no stat and everyone would be invincible.
  14. The other clan would forfeit at boredom or outside pin the other members so they can't joint the end