Too Far

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *babygurl2112 (01), Sep 8, 2011.

  1. Okay, this has gone too far, like really in truly. The opinion thing that others are now revealing I get it. But seriously opinions only go too far. I started it BTW and I think I did a good job because I was NICE. It seems that word doesn't apply to some people and it's quite disgusting really. Like if you have nothing nice to say, keep it to yourself because in my perspective I don't care who you are, whether your a "Vet" in FF or not everyone's the same. And I'm not pointing anyone out but for this once I'll point people out
    Irin: Your an amazing writer so don't listen to anyone saying or your a quitter or whatever cause last time I checked at least you have the guts to do what your doing.

    So that goes to EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU. Don't bash anyone or talk about anyone like your any better cause really in truly your not. Your just defining how rude and conceited you are. And you guys can comment saying or telling me off but whatever. And I just want to make it clear that: on an online game..I'm not scared of ANY and I mean ANY of you. Nor is a lot of other people on here. Its a online game. Like don't involve your outside life to back you up like whats it going to do if your popular or smart in reality. Thats not intimidating...thats just stupid. Your in America or Canada and popular. OHHH that's really scary..I can't even leave my own house because of that. Like seriously GROWW UPP. please for gods sake. I don't care. Nobody. Cares. Get. It. Through. Your head. Peoples. Most of you claim your all of 18 and smart then please prove it. Because this is an ONLINE GAME. this is supposed to be fun. And people are ruining it, sadly. We are losing great FF writers by the minute because some people wanna be stupid in what they say, and quite frankly when you really think about it..the ones who are so quick to say something about other people is the ones who are hated the most on this game and just shouldn't be playing it period. Because your ruining for all of us normal nice people.

    I know like I'm not an expert on things but really, when I post these things I don't mean to be mean on purpose. Like some other need to say who if you have eyes and common sense you know who they all are... I just say what this place has become and you all need actual insight and I mean EVERYONE not "Haters really" like k true there are some of them around obviously. Again pretty obvious even if they claim their not or they hate them too, but whatever. There are certain people who ruined this place and I think there should be some sort of conversation for all FF writers on who should be on like a probation ish thing, some people or a person who needs to leave or anything to like I don't know again it's my opinion. And I think that I'm pretty good at this because I'm not purposely trying to hurt a SPECIFIC persons feelings. And people who do that on here need to really grow up. Yeah I'm one to talk but it's the truth.

    Anyways the whole point of this really is:...i don't really know lol. It just came to me that certain people love to be full of them selves and think they have the audacity to talk about other people. Your not any better. Keep that in mind.

    Sorry I know I was harsh but like, it's just frustrating and annoying. Please like don't hate me for this but we all need to get ourselves straight before we all ruin a good thing more than most of us already did.

  2. Support!

    Though all the writers came back, but still.
  3. Loll and another thing..
    People need to change their act because another beloved author is quitting thanks to people I just had a whole thread about. And those people have problems, like keep it up and you'll just be hated and just go run to your so called "popular FANTASTIC lives" like no one cares. Okay I'm done lol