Discussion in 'Strategy' started by *destruction74 (01), Jul 25, 2012.

  1. you can complete toc with like 5 people but all have to max crystal so if u wanna have a shot trying to complete it it will be close accepting up to 20 people
  2. Idea is flawed.....

    5 people without stables couldn't do it
  3. we got 2 people so far wolf330 and hell-raiser34 anyone else
  4. My clans done more ebs than you.....
  5. In your member less clan u mean?
  6. immortal999 said he will
  7. He wrote on my wall that youre pretty much guaranteed an item..

    Don't think so man
  8. It takes five guys to finish your mom
  9. ^  best thing you have possibly ever said.