That is the question. I'm gonna be continuing Dragon Fire and finish that up with my new laptop soon. Then expect Assassin's Creed Descendants follow-up as well. And the return of Pokemon Quest. But setting all that aside, I want to make my writing... Better so to speak. Idk but I wanna gear up to write something big. So now I need all of your help... I wanna work on different aspects of writing through specialized stories, or stories one writes in order to practice a certain skill. Well, I need two things. Firstly, based on what I've posted from eons ago, what is my weakest skill in writing. Secondly, for the moment, I'm considering a story to practice my descriptive skills... And I need suggestions for that as well. I'm inclined towards Yu-GI-Oh (Google it if needed lol) since that is a challenge IMO, but I'm looking for any other challenges. So thanks and thanks my dear friends of KaW's number 1 forum~ FanFiction. Lolz. iZaln
So you're going to compare an older story to a new one of yours? Interesting idea. I'll see if I can think of a suggestion.
If you want to challenge yourself as a writer, don't base your story on something already out there. Create your own setting, characters, plot etc.
Ur a very (emphasis on ver) good writer and what Ur doing is excellent. Keep it up and u may b professional one day
I think you're doing just fine! I love all of your stories so far. (My favorite is the Pokemon Quest. I'm a die hard pokemon fan)
1) Think of your own ideas... Be creative, copying is a bad thing 2) Your a good writer, but theirs room for improvement like everybody, use bigger words maybe, (eg supercallfragchajlistic) be more descriptive of the setting? Punctuation ? Sorry if I spelt anything wrong, I'm dyslexic...
Mmm... Taking my own ideas... Well I only have one on my mind which I am saving until I think I can really write it as nicely. For me, it works like this- I get a story idea and I can't throw it out of my head and it clogs up my mental flow. Right now, Dragon Fire and the new story idea are pretty much a dam preventing me from storyboarding... Soo. But the thing that something like YuGiOh gives is the fact that I will have to be very descriptive and describe the cards, etc. But if it's my own topic... Possibly a battle story... iZaln
Not to be irrelevant or anything but… I thought I was dyslexic once. I was at the skating ring and I bout some jolly rancher chewies and I read the little tear strip to open the box and it said “Tear and Shake” so of course I tore it an started shaking the box. But then I thought to myself What am I shaking it for? and I looked at the strip and it said… “TEAR AND SHARE” And that's my story of how I thought I was dyslexic. Zaln your a great writer already,you should really looking into a career in Fine Arts.Something like that,you already know you've got potential,now all you've gotta do is believe in yourself. FH
You're already a great writer Zaln, but I guess if u want to try something new or challenging try writing in third person or limited.
Zaln, your stories are amazing, and I don't think you really need to work on anything. But if you want a challenge, I suggest historical fiction.
Okay, thanks FH for that story. I like the suggestion for third person, and I have been practicing with it for Dragon Fire. I'll go for limited as well. Irin, a historical fiction huh? So... Like what, a Revolutionary war-like story? Challenging since I'm confused with the historical part. Well, I'll start some storyboarding lol. Thanks a million everyone! iZaln
Whatever you want. It could be ancient eygpt, civil/Revolutionary wars ect. The thing about Historical fiction is that you have to get the dates right and such. Make sure the timeframes aren't mixed up. Everything has to be decently close unless you find a creative way around it.
Zaln, do not write a historical Fiction. For your skill set, it's too easy. Every single one of your story is based on a videogame (except Dragon Fire. That's Eragon) What you really need to work on most of all is coming up with stories/plots that are completely original. I think that we are almost opposites in that regard lol. P.S. GlooMi wuvs you P.P.S. This concept of wuv frightens and infuriates Lir of the planet Omicron Persei 8
So true Gloomi. I just noticed that as well... Thanks, maybe I'll try to figure something out. Wuv you too Glooms. And thanks everyone else. And Iriririn, you have forgotten Assassin's Creed: Descendants (Yes Gloomi, a story based on game ) is from Italy in years that followed the height of the European Renaissance. iZaln