To Whom It May Concern;

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by mbc1296, Apr 27, 2012.

  1. Hello new friend, my name is Fred.
    The words you hear are in my head.
    I say, I said my name is Fred,
    and I've been very... Naughty.

    The story I am about to tell,
    I tell you, I will tell you well,
    is of my dear love Barbara,
    and just how I've been... Naughty.

    On a lovely Sunday morning my tired eyes beheld,
    a girly girl, like girl she smelled.
    G-I-R-L, is what she spelled,
    and that's how I spell... Naughty.

    Barbara, my love was named.
    Her fair hair, a mane untamed,
    until one evening, I'm ashamed,
    I got a little... Naughty.

    The look upon my young love's face,
    was beautiful, divine, as sweet as lace,
    But in this particular case,
    I was never more... Naughty.

    But then my landlords did resume,
    to return me to my porcelain tomb,
    and ferry to a private room.
    Your hero, ever doughty.

    With love, Fred.
  2. I like 

    but Barbra is my Grandma's name
  3. ^ me too 
  4. *twilight music plays
  5. Moving to fan fiction. Happy KaWing.
  6. I tend to only speak in rhyme,
    although I don't, from time to time.
    But rhyming is no major crime,
    As long as I can be... Naughty.
  7. Move my thread, so you say,
    These forums are so damn..
    Hey, I'm out of here, another day,
    I'm off to go be... Naughty.
  8. Courage the cowardly dog episode you fail
  9. I took certain lines from it genius
  10. I doubt you'll find any episode about him raping a girl named Barbara.