To Whom it may concern

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by PRIME, Feb 27, 2015.

  1. During the recent land and building release, there's been a burning question in everyone's mind...


    [devs this is where you pay attention]

    Now that playing this game is about as time consuming as planning ones retirement, I think we deserve at least a vague open ended answer in regards to this.. We are playing with a lot of gold and we deserve to know when you are planning to do this... Save a lot of threads and hate by giving us something to work with...

    Thanks for reading [hopefully], and if the kawmunity feels the need to do their thing... Do it, this is a pretty strait forward thread..

    I will patiently await some sort of response

  2. Won't happen.
  3. And you know this how?
  4. Developers have stated multiple times, It won't happen.
  5. Okay so you have no idea like everyone else...

    Now let's hear from some adults kiddo... Thanks for coming out
  6. It's funny because I'm simply stating what the developers have told the community, and you tell me I know nothing and have no idea.

    Do not use "Kiddo" as a term to look down on someone, because I can tell you right now you're probably as young as me if not younger.

    Stop using GIFs to seem cool and actually put effort towards the community.
  7. Alright buddy... You're right, your opinion is valid as well... No need to get your panties in a knot... We all know the devs track record in regards to doing what they say, so please, refrain from giving further opinions on the matter because I'm not interested in hearing your koolaid stained responses..

    Thanks again for coming out, but you're not needed here, this is a question directed to the apes, and you clearly aren't contributing in a constructive manner..

    I can write long winded responses as well... However you no longer need to..

    Take care ewok
  8. Prime, if the developers state it's not going to happen, how does he have no idea like everyone else? He is stating the fact that it will not happen.
  9. I'm not going off topic, therefor I don't have to leave.

    You're making yourself look foolish, mainly because I'm informing you that it won't happen, you're the one making petty insults and disrespectful remarks.

    I'm contributing more than you.

    Maybe you might want to leave your own thread and stop post count farming as usual?
  10. Hopefully it won't. It'll be my last straw lol
  11. And if the question is directed at the apes, submit feedback, don't post a boring-ass thread about it.
  12. Nothing is fact with the devs... If you've played this game long enough you should know that.. If the devs come on here and say never then this thread can be locked..

    It's a simple question that requires a simple response.. I don't remember seeing anywhere that they said it won't happen, so if you would kindly bump said thread or provide a link that'd be great

  13. When you post to feedback you get a reply along the lines of

    "Post your idea to forums"

    So it is pointless to go to feedback and you should just go straight to forums.
  14. They aren't apes.

    They are human beings. Pretty sure apes don't write code.

    Nonetheless, PRIME, you've been a constant nuisance to forums for a little while and this thread was actually fine by me. I was simply informing you it won't happen, and you're condescending response will be noted.

    Don't make enemies where you shouldn't.
  15. I do agree with Monkey on this.

    The feedback button has been BS for 4 years.

  16. I recall seeing developers say they WERE NOT going to be reducing price of HF lands or buildings. If I remember correctly it is in the thread that introduces t7 lv1

  17. You're hilarious ewok... And yes I'm the foolish one, I've never said I wasnt..

    We're all still here playing aren't we?

    Who asked you to leave? I just said to stop running your mouth with regards to rumours bud... Show me where the devs said it...

    And if you don't care, why are you still posting like a butthurt preteen?

    Why are you so angry?
  18. I'm not angry?

    You do realize inflaming is against ToU and you're doing it to your own thread.

    Please refer to me as Erok, not ewok. That is disrespectful to my name.


    I've been around the block a bunch of times and for most of my KaWreer I was the raging preteen.

    This is not that.
  19. I'm sure PRIME can give 5 examples of where devs have lied. Sooooo it is no fact.

  20. Alright cool story bud, I really dont care what you have to say, makes zero difference, just thought I'd let you know.. Internet tough guys always make me giggle, but that's about it..

    And thanks Monkey, I will look for said thread...