to the devs

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xXxOUT_Zerogrim_LAWZxXx, Jan 3, 2014.

  1. Devs, i have only warred season 2 and now this offseason the wars have gotten rediculas...

    the mid size builds have NO PLACE in WINNINg ROSTERS whatsoever. if you want to win you HAVE to conform to the LB/GH type of a roster stacking bigs and smalls, for that matter hansels and hansel mechanics also have NO PLACE ina winning war roster either. Look at the rosters of EVERy clan that has a 50% or better winning record this offseason... all of them are gh/lb big heavy rosters every single one. You said in your post that you wanted to address the gh issue. and you would adjust accordingly. Well its simple stacking bigs on a roster using gh as scout bombs and/or flesh eaters. means the 2 or 3 extra LB'ers on the roster make any balanced team have no chance whatsoever. its like facing a 7v10 roster with all 7 being lb. while ur 10 are ranged from lb to smalls.

    My biggest problem with the current situation is this... there is no room for mid sized builds or hansels if you want to win. Please address these issues before season 3 starts... or there may be alot of people that will refuse to war due to having to have a specific build type... aka very big and very small only allowed on rosters.
  2. I second this ️
  3. Awe baby. Don't cry to hard, your tear ducts might dry out.
  4. I believe that a mid sized builds are just as effective as a gh. Mid size can easily keep opponent pinned and ko increasing and stealing plunder
  5. Mid sized builds are just leaks to the other side.
  6. Less of an issue with larger rosters but yes, with the 11 man rosters being a mid-sized build is less useful.
  7. huge support to op
  8. GH are hansels. :lol:
  9. Agreed, ignore the morons like phartacus. Anyone who tries to give the current system any merit are only those abusing the system.
  10. lol ur right skirmish let me clarify. gh meaning small hansel builds (this can include towers) but the point is simple.... the roster building type that is what all of the winning rosters are using now days are as follows (4+ gh and 5+ bigs)

    nobody will dispute this that does wars because they all know that the devs are making those who wish to spend the money to war HAVE to either be 18m+ tank or a gh of some sort... their is no middle of build and as the devs have said they WANT people to grow and not stay gh well currently the way things are thats just not true atleast if u wish to be on a winning roster.

    Yes i am a middle sized hansel.
  11. There are more players then Devs. They can only do so much... Together, the EE people are smarter then the Devs. (No real surprise...). If there is a system, people will abuse it.
  12. well skirmish, im just hoping the devs can come up with some form of solution. Im not telling them what they should do, only asking. Im not giving solutions that I want, only pointing out the obvious problem (aka im will b left out if things are not changed or rebuild to a gh wich i don't want to do) i hope this reaches the devs in a positive light that the issue is a serious one and hope they can appreciate where myself and any other middle sized build is coming from.
  13. Hey guys,

    I've passed your concerns along about different builds and how they can affect wars (GH, Low/High). We're going to be looking into this before Season 3 and would like more feedback from you as with larger rosters this becomes less of an issue.

    What kinds of specific changes would you like to see with GH's and balancing, and do any of you think things are fine the way they are?
  14. The top player on war roster should be able to Hit the lowest on same roster and vice versa. Would be a good balance.
  15. Make hit ratio by build only that will fix the gh issue
  16. Restrict hits by raw cs only in my opinion would be a big help... But also for ee only the payout for hitting gh be the same as what they can hit and make... These are just thoughts but to be honest I dunno how to fix per say the issue where min/max the roster by build size could be fixed.
  17. Just a thought on this do a max hit range on ee say 8 mill up 8 mil down raw cs of course making the Allies and equipment just give better chance to hit
  18. Well kaw if the lb want to keep warring with gh. Maybe you should give them no match. Or have the gh pay as well as a mid size attack builds. It has gotten to a point where it is a waste of my clans time to keep warring. It is just getting to ge a waste of me and my family's time and money. If something is not done about this soon. I can promise you I will cease to continue to spend money on this game. And I am sure that there are a lot if others that have the same feelings I do.
  19. GH = guild hansel?