To my Friends at Fury, and a Challenge to Maddog

Discussion in 'Wars' started by xX___lIIlI__RLaw8__llIIll___Xx, Mar 12, 2014.

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  1. To my friends at Fury:

    I have always viewed you as my friends and allies. I know many of you and have fought beside you.I do not want a war with you, and I know many of you do not want a war with me and my clan mates. It has nothing to do with fear, many of you have witnessed my resolve in battle first hand, and know I will bring the fight. It is because I respect you and value many of my friends that are part of your clan and do not wish to fight against them. I do not know every detail of what happened but i do now that I go way back with one person involved and I know this is not the first time he has turned a 1v1 he started into a clan fight. Regardless I am not here to prove who is right and who is wrong or who is to blame. I am here to offer a solution.

    To my former clan mate Maddog:
    Here is my solution. You claim that Elvis cannot handle a 1v1 with you so I challenge you to prove it because personally I think you are full of it. Elvis is formally challenging you to a 1v1. Call a CF let 2 hours pass so news feeds can clear and you can have all of Elvis you can handle and we are all confident that Elvis can more than handle you. You obviously have developed a personal beef with Elvis and there is no point in turning it into a clan fight. Especially considering it involves two clans that are full of friends that have no desire to fight each other. In case you are having trouble understanding this, Maddog you are being called out, you ran your mouth about how Elvis couldn't take you 1v1 when we all know you asked for help, so prove it. Accept Elvis's challenge. Call the rest of the clan off and lets see what you are made of. I have received messages from your clan mates expressing they have NO desire to fight MG but are just supporting their clan and I respect that. So be a real leader and don't turn friends against each other, sac up and accept Elvis's challenge!

    To my friends at Fury:
    I challenge you to have your voices heard. We are all soldiers in this game and I like a good fight as much as the next guy but I prefer to fight for a cause I believe in. Let me remind you that Maddog claims that Elvis cannot beat him 1v1 so let him prove to us all without dragging us all into his fight. I don't care who supposedly started it, nor how it escalated. I support Elvis and he has come forward and said rather than pull the entire clan into war he will more than happily accept a 1v1 with Maddog. Sounds like the rest of us can get the popcorn out and watch a good fight. Plus St. Patrick's is this weekend. I don't know about you but I would rather celebrate, drink green beer, and enjoy the ladies than play KaW all weekend. I challenge you to look your leadership in the eye and ask them to resolve this rather than drag you into a fight that isn't necessary and turning you into meat shields. This is not an attack on anyone. I used to be a perm in fury and I know you can bring a fight. I also know that MG can bring a fight. Most important is that many of us are good friends here and have nothing to gain from this nor do we have a reason to go to war with each other. This is a personal matter between Maddog and Elvis and Elvis has stepped up and showed that he is a true leader and challenged Maddog to 1v1. He understands that there are many friends involved here and that while this is a war game it is also good to have friends and allies and not chance ruining that over a personal matter. Maddog is being called out publicly to do the right thing, lets see how he responds. Are you going to answer the call Maddog?

    My Proposal:
    1. Maddog and Elvis will call a CF
    2. Have a 2 hour cool down period so we all have time to clear our newsfeeds
    3. Elvis and Maddog 1v1 until they lose interest or one of them asks for a CF
    4. If anyone breaks the CF we we all have proof and can pass blame
  2. Sounds like a good plan law hope it all works out for ya 
  3. Support Elvis. Chumps like maddog really irritate me.
  4. Wow this is pretty interesting. Nice job pulling him out. :)
  5. ༺Ḿ̸̸ɵƝʂϮҽཞ ǤⱥƦⱥցع༻
    Support Elvis_Hombre ️
  6. Support.
  7. Wait...No support.
  8. Ok, I've decided. Support!
  9. Look at the walls of both seems 1v1 was not honored
  10. From what I understand 1v1 was broken by vendetta. Regardless both side r blaming the other for breaking it. Why not just give them a fresh start to have their 1v1 and with it being public no one can break it without losing credibility.
  11. Support for 1v1 PVP gameplay! Sounds like a fun fight to watch and a great way to prevent escalation amongst friends!
  12. @RLaw @Longstrokes/Elvis

    its hard to lose what you don't have
  13. To Rlaw and MG.

    We are not at war with you because Maddog made us do it. We are at war because you are deserving of it. Elvis_hombre had a chance for this to be a 1v1 all week long. Instead, he chose not to return hits and allow his clan (and others) to do so for him. It was MG, not Fury, who made this a clan action.

    Fury and MG were once more than close friends, we were blood allies. We agreed to support one another in OSW no matter what. It was MG who failed to live up to that agreement.

    While friendships may exist between our members, Fury will not be friends with MG when MG finds it is convenient and shunned when MG finds it is not.

    Now you publicly insult our friend in front of god and all of kaw to see and you propose a cool-down period? I reject your offer and recommend you battle in news feeds and not in forums.

  14. I support our great leader Elvis!ty for the thread Law
  15. How about no one hit no one
  16. Lmao. Ego vs ego.
  17. So if im understanding correctly... MG and Fury are osw?
  18. Support 
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