to modz amd devz :-)

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ilililililililililililililiiii, May 2, 2013.

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  1. Why do u have removed the post of our mems have joined the eb??
  2. Because grammar.
  3. Cuz a good chunk of kaw hated it, so devs removed it.
  4. ^ignorant response
  5. I am the grammar police
  6. I think your tying to say:

    Why did you remove the posts of our members joining the epic battle.

    But I maybe wrong
  7. Your under arrest :lol:
  8. um. going to just tell you to contact support if you feel your thread was wrongly removed.

    but deep inside my heart i am facepalming.
  9. You're*
  10. He's actually asking why the newsfeed notification informing members when another clan mate has joined an epic battle has been removed by the developers.

    It was removed because the majority of KaW did not like the notifications. If you feel the devs made a mistake in removing then, please feel free to submit feedback informing them.
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