To Laoda and YellowFlash1

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Sighmin-Templar-the-Arbiter, Jan 16, 2013.

  1. I understand that MG is in apocalypse(I think correct me if I'm wrong),but any clan that OSWs with you guys has deep respect for the skill and power of your clans.But in my own opinion when some ass like yellow disrespects me in the middle of an osw,I'd call a temporary CF and kill him,wish you guys best of luck on both sides:33

    Oh and to YellowFlash1


    Trade u or the anus pic
  2. DAMNIT WRONG PIC please lock/
  3. Something I forgot to copy down and I posted wrong picture sorryz
  4. Just post the other one.
  5. How do I update the first posts in threads?
  6. In any case this is the pic I meant to ]

  7. Didn't you spam that everyhwhere?
  8. Lol he likes the word ass which is good as its following him everywhere he goes yellow ur an ass and ur hurting that's y he is offering u buthurt cream it's supposed to help
  9. Really because I kinda remember someone Doing that.. :roll:
  10. See villy gets the joke:33
  11. It's not hard to miss its plain out ther
  12. @Arbiter Just shutup and go back to your eb, let the big boys hash things out amongst themselves.