to kaw modz

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ilililililililililililililiiii, Apr 29, 2013.

  1. I have a question ..........
    Why dont we have spy quest ?? plzz wall me if u have a answer:)
  2. FYI - The modzz did not make KaW.
  3. Op, are u dumb? Mods don't make the game... The DEVS do, and mods won't really give u a better answer then an above average kawer... Maybe more detailed... But will be the same reason
  4. The game was meant for mostly attacking but spys are also good at attacking. So which is why attack is the quest. If they make spy quest most ppl attack and spy will have to be even to like be able to do the quest. ( im just saying what i think)
  5. spy quests are a silly idea.

    Question answered 
  6. Well if moose is the mod answering then don't count on a big detailed most 
  7. Developers had said something along the lines of:
    We never intended for spies to be one of the main aspects of the game and us such won't include spy quests.
  8. He's not dumb >.>
    Just confuzzled:)
  9. it comes down to priorities. Quests just aren't that important. The new player uses them to initially get some fast cash so he/she can pop up a few buildings and find a clan. Beyond that, there really isn't much use for them. Wy pin on a quest when you can pin on an EB, or better yet, another player.

    Devs are focusing more on the PvP aspect of the game, which is as it should be.

    At the end of the day, if you want more quests, consider epic battles to be "quests" becaise they have many similarities
    1. They are safe
    2. The never hit back
    3. They pay money
  10. I use them to get free health crystals

  11. Looks like you got your detailed post
  12. Yet they don't give you free nobs and xstals
  13. Devs create new crap in this game that noobs want so why is this request so different?
  14. Shut up moose!!!!
    Support for spy quests
  15. Its not that hard tp creste spy quest. Devs just need to make cash off ppl buying xtals and nobs instead of earning them anymore. Thats the only reason tbh.
  16. *to create
    Hands are cold outside blah.
  17. Yeah its only for the money always will be.
  18. They do run a business, not a charity.