To Kaw Admins

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Gojo, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Our clan is warring against No Match Found(aka Warthong Strafe Run). I think that these match ups are not fair so if kaw admins could go more in to detail that would be great. Thanks devs
  2. If by not fair you mean they're experienced, that's just something you'll have to deal with. They probably closely match you guys in strength if you were matched up correctly.
  3. It's a new clan. We aren't experianced 
  4. Yea we stink at wars. This is my first one ever. Good luck guys
  5. Who is warthog strafe run? We are no match found...
  6. Try starting palidans if you matched no match found??
  7. Who did you expect to match up against. New Age?
  8. Does That butt hurt pic have anything to do with him being asian. I hope it does.
  9. Soooooo your mad?
  10. @Igcb
     It wasn't intended to...
  11. Ava'd is the first one to post the thread.. There is another surprise.