To Chaos Reborn

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Valkyl_More_MaCHiNE, Aug 1, 2014.

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  1. To my friends in chaos reborn. Earlier today, in a now deleted thread we were all having fun with, some things were said that were grossly inappropriate and untrue.

    I apologize for anything that was said that May have offended.

    I have only known CR to be nothing but the most honest, hard driven warriors on KAW. They conduct themselves in a good and moral way, and abhor ppl who take "shortcuts" as much as the rest of us do.
  2. It was inevitable that it got deleted.
  3. What happen to your last thread?
  4. Apology accepted, Val. Thanks for Quick response.
    Warlock CR
  5. Um... Wat
  6. Don't fund strips against us, is all I'm saying. Warlock you knew the situation, we had talked before
  7. Seems like the op covered it, what's confusing here?
  8. Who's funded strips against u Ron? Why would u just say that?
  9. Wow what?! There u go throwing around accusations again. They should make a clan c for u bud.
  10. Shopping from techsage is funding against us. Warlock knew we were at war. I have ss of a lengthy discussion with War where we diplomatically discussed all of this. And 20 minutes ago he admitted he still shops him.
  11. Johnny u asked a question twice on other thread. I answered u. Sorry if ur upset about the situation. War happens.
  12. Ron are you really dumb enough to keep talking…
  13. What am I saying that's so bad zach tell me that
  14. at this point ron is speaking for himself and not on behalf of the family. Ron always support you bro , but theres a time to walk away and cool off.
  15. You make accusations and threaten.
    Your leader has to man up and admit you screwed up
    And within minutes you're doing it again. /).-
  16. I buy Market allies Ron, and as Val has already stated, tech has some of the best. I'm not going to stop hiring market allies because you can't handle one person.
  17. @ron

    I'm not from chaos reborn, but valks last thread ASKED people to shop techsage in an attempt to strip him.

    Telling chaos reborn they're funding your enemies is straight up stupid.
  18. So technically u yourself are funding techsage strips on you and your members? Being as you've tried stripping him 500b-2T numerous times, and he's caught them all. And also, if you have proof that we are intentionally funding strips and have vowed to make such contributors a part of your war...does that mean we should sit by and wait for your incoming strips?
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