To Be Free Again Sign Ups

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by BonkersLeighRose, Feb 5, 2012.

  1. I am writing a story about the future were the human race is destroyed apart from a few people which are in an undergrounds bunker for a year and are soon going back above ground to rebuild the human race. However a 15 year old girl is in charge of making it a success. She and the 149 other people in the bunker were kidnapped a year before the world was destroyed by a nuclear war. These people were choosen to survive by the British govenment as soon as they realised that a nuclear war was about to happpen. I need some of these charcters to put in my story (oviously not all 149). So I want you to write about them using this frame:

    Age: Older than 19 but younger than 30
    History: Remember that they were chosen to be the survivours of the human race so don't make them criminals.
    Reason for being in the bunker: We need builders, chefs, doctors, scavengers, geniuses and any other good ideas you have.

    Heres an extract of story:

    “Why me? Why?” I yelled the empty room, “The only survivors of the human race and who has to lead them? Not an experienced adult. Not a military leader. Me!” I kicked the wall as tears ran down my cheek,”I can’t handle this, I’m only fifteen. The human race is doomed.
    “Talking to yourself is the first sign of madness you know.” That made me angry. I had banished everyone from my room; I told them that I needed to think. They didn’t want to leave me alone but I told them that if I was expected to be able to look after the human race I should be expected to be able to look after myself for half an hour.
    Then something clicked inside my head. I knew that voice and I knew it well. I felt dizzy. I put my hand on the plain white wall to steady the spinning world. I turned around slowly, breathing in the heavy musky air of the underground bunker. My eyes took in the impossible sight in front of me. It was my brother. I sank down to sit on the hard bed next to me.
    “Really Joe?” I whispered, slowly looking up to him and beginning to smile. “Because I thought it was seeing people that are...” I stopped. I couldn’t say it; I couldn’t admit that my dear little brother was gone.
    “Dead Al. “Joe finished,”I’m dead.”

    So far the characters I have are:
    Alice: The person in charge of looking after continuation of the human race.
    Joe: Alices dead brother.
    Chris: Second youngest on the ship at 18 years old. He tries to be nice to Alice but she responds by saying cruel things about his upbringing.

    Chris' biography:

    Name: Chris Green

    Gender: Male

    Age: 18

    History: He grew up in care and no family ever came to see him. He was wrongly arrested for murder and had no visiters. He has always been unpopular because hes moved around so much.

    Reason for being in the bunker: He is a good chef and can scavenge food out of almost anything.

    Personality: Kind and friendly.

    Apperance: Hansome. He has brown hair that is quite messy and doesn't care much for hhis apperance thoough he is always clean and tidy.
  2. Damn I posted two! If a mod reads this delete the other one if not let it die
  3. Can we have Si-Fi/ Fantasy elements?
  4. Maybe... But I need characters first.
  5. Name: Gregory Hamilton
    Age: 23
    Gender: Male

    Appearance: Somewhat scraggly brown hair, with a patchy, stubbly beard and piercing blue eyes. Gregory is tall and thin, and grins or smirks instead of smiling. His teeth are clean yet crooked, and his overall demeanor is that of someone who got fired from a good job. He wears a patched up leather jacket and green baggy pants.

    History: Gregory used to be a leading author for a non-fiction book company, until his tales got extremely far fetched, leading him to be fired. He lived in the sewers for a few months until Gregory was chosen to be in the group of survivors.

    Personality: Gregory is a pathological liar, and tends to hallucinate. He's cowardly and not very smart or loyal, but he could manage to survive, at least, in a fight.

    Why he was chosen: Although Gregory's stories are quite...out there...they are still very good and are excellent for keeping up morale. The downside to this is that if Gregory is set for a watch, scouting, etc, he won't accurately convey information.

    Other: hates to be called Greg.

    Good luck with your story. :)
  6. I really want characters please...