Being a nerd is sexy. I've always been a nerd, but it took me a long time to be proud of it. I used to be ashamed of my nerdiness. I see quite a few people in this forum who are champions of ignorance and stupidity. You can easily spot these morons when they say ignorant things, like: Nobody cares TL;DR Wut Ur stupid Rife with spelling and grammar errors, you'll find these buffoons telling you how awful your ideas are, yet you'll never see them offer any useful ideas. They're armchair quarterbacks - always something to say from the comfort of their couch, while never having the balls to get out and make anything happen themselves that hasn't already been done a million times before. These xenophobes are the ones who hinder progress and would rather keep us in the stone age. Since they don't have two brain cells to rub together, they go around telling everyone around them how awful everyone else is and how much life sucks. But, I'm here to reveal their secret: they're insanely jealous of your intelligence. They feel threatened by it, so they resort to dirty tactics to try and bring you down to their level. Seeing you succeed drives them crazy because it means that they are the ones who suck and fail at life. :lol: Let me tell you all something - don't fall for their crap. I remember when I was a kid, it was considered "cool" to be a poor student. Anyone who got good grades or was in advanced placement programs at school was made fun of. I know a lot of you are at that age now where you're going through this on one of the two sides. I'm here to report to you from adulthood that being a nerd ends up being way better for you later in life than a few short years of being "cool" in your grade school years. The rest of what I'm gonna say is shameless bragging - I'll admit it. But, you know what, I'm bragging with the intent of showing all the nerds that they shouldn't be ashamed of being smart. That they should all stay focused on school and don't fall for the trap of being "cool" just to fit in. There's nothing cool about being an idiot. Most of the guys I went to grade school with, who were part of the "cool" crowd, are doing really, REALLY badly in life. Here are a few examples. One guy is unemployed. He's got 4 kids and a wife. They're living on welfare and food stamps. He can't hold a job for more than a few months. Another guy has 2 kids and works as a janitor, but his baby mama will have nothing to do with him. This one chick I used to have a crush on, who wouldn't give me the time of day when we were kids, showed up for pre-algebra tutoring one day. (I used to tutor math up to calculus while I was in college). She reported that since the last time I saw her, she had a kid with her drug dealer boyfriend and was currently a single mother on welfare. Today, I am a college graduate. I work in the high-tech industry, and I make a 6-figure income. And now, I have women asking ME if I'll marry them - beautiful women, including a model. I own a huge house in a beautiful neighborhood. I've got money in the bank. And I'm just getting started. I still have more plans. I know I'm gonna go far and do great things. I know this because of how far I've already come. Now I know for a fact that I can do anything I set out to do. And guess what - so can you! And you should! :mrgreen: So, in light of a new year and adolescence, I encourage all you nerds to change your perspective on being a nerd. Be proud of it and know that if you just be yourself and surround yourself with people like you, you'll all be better off and look back on your youth, like I am here, with pity for the ones you used to admire as a child. Look not to the "cool" kids for inspiration. Look, instead, to people in your life who more closely resemble what it is you think is valuable and important. So, to open it up for discussion, please share some of your nerd-hating stories. And tell us what your future plans are.
Nerd. (Says the guy who chose the name of a minor LOTR wizard) Truth is, it's all in the presentation.
Thanks D4rk... you're too quick for me. Wonder how many of these kids have come about (or been prevented) by a late night 150% HTE promo?
Never liked the word nerd it's become way too mainstream and is ridiculously American (American comedy sucks). However I am a fan of Fantasy, sci-fi, high concept stuff so I would most likely fit the stereotype. :lol: Who needs to try in school? You just sit down, listen to the interesting parts and pump out a barrage of random knowledge on the exam.
I started highschool playing multiple sports, running with the "cool" crowd and all that stuff. By senior year, I had already started cutting those people out of my life, and only hanging out with those who I really got along with. It was the best thing I could've done, they are dropping out of college, having kids, and I'm a sophomore in college with an outstanding gpa, an amazing girlfriend, and internships available for me everywhere I look. Cool is worthless. Confidence and drive is everything. Be yourself and make it work as much as you can. It goes much farther. Sincerely That jock who realizes how important being a good person is
Bragging about a six figure income? Pretty lame. Also lame you had to wait until finishing college to get any action.
I'm not hip to the term "hipsters." I have assumed that it was a style of dress. Are you saying that the people previously referred to as "nerds" are now called "hipster"?