Title Ideas

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Anarchir, Jul 13, 2011.

  1. I am having difficulty coming up with new titles for my clan. I seek the help of the Writers of KaW.

    Just need names, you can ignore stats.

    And I will delete this thread after a few days to keep FanFic as uncluttered as possible

    Clan Name: Legion of the Hellfire

    Current Titles:

    Legionnaire - 0-20k
    Abyssal Knight - 20k-50k
    Paladin of the Inferno - 50k-100k
    Guardian of the Nether - 100k-200k
    Warlord of the Shadowed Flame - 200k-500k

    Spies (not combined):
    Shadow Warrior - 0-100k
    Hellfire Rogue - 100k-200k
    Bloodfist Assassin - 200k-324k

    Like I said, just need title ideas, and thanks!
  2. So, old friend, we meet again. I'm a regular here in Fan Fiction and have two stories up. You might wanna check some of the other authors stats when you began writing, too.

    I hope you know I could've had other people all over your clan if I wanted. And tell Morik that there's a law called freedom of expression and me agreeing with him that he is a primitive noob is my opinion an I have a right to express it. Farming me! Like it'll harm me in real life. He obviously has self-esteem issues since he called himself that and then had the audacity to farm me because I agreed. I have enough self-esteem for the population of Canada. Nothing can cause me to feel sorry for myself or to be sad and angry because I called myself something and someone else agreed.

    He needs to go to anger management, too.

    Clan Titles:

    Demon Breeder (kinda like a person who supplies horses and crap for a calvary except demons in the form of hideous beasts with fire powers since this is hell we are talking about.)

    I'll have to figure out some more later.
  3. Damn. Didn't mean to put writing. I meant to put "Letting clan members farm other players."

    Idk why I said writing.
  4. Hm...

    I dunno about the stats, but how's this:

    1) Servant of the Shadows
    3) Abyssal Warrior
    5) Slayer of Leviathans
    6) Hunter of Titans

    Hope that helped 
  5. Hey Anachir! Thanks for taking the time to visit FF! Read my story will u?(unless u have already lol)

    Here are a few ideas:

    Name: Twilight Death
    1)Shadow Nobility
    2)Ghost lord/lady
    3)Grim Reapers Assistant
    4)Night Demon

    Name: Court of the Green Lawn
    1)Sunlight Prince/Princess
    And so on...

    Name: Knights of the Shadows
    (Ranks somewhat based on a book I read)
    1)Shadow Prince/Princess
    2)Shadow Lord/Lady

    Name: Spectrum
    2)Warm Color
    3)Cold Color

    Those are a few
  6. Opps disregard above post! Read it wrong...srry..
    But they r good ideas
  7. Thx for the ideas, keep them coming.

    And feather, you have no idea who I am, lol. Morik is but a visitor, I defend him not. What you don't seem to understand that if you had your multitude of other people all over my clan, the innocent, as it were, I'd see you stripped and farmed until you reset. As it is, as long as the innocent members of my clan are left alone, I care not what you do to morik.
  8. And thank you Stora, you're right, some of them are very good ideas actually.
  9. But I presume we're beyond idle threats, are we not? We are Forumers, after all.

    The good ones, not the noob annoyances:/
  10. Hehe thx :) Court of the Green Lawn is my favorite
  11. Visitor or not, where does thou loyalties lie?

  12. My loyalty lies with my clan.

    And I suppose you're anxious for the last movie then?