Okay with Titles, you can't simple put title=blue+red, you have to put the Hex Code in The Hex code is #0000FF for blue and #FF0000 for red and #00FF00 for green Blue, Red, and Green make up the spectrum of the Hex Codes. Red is on top, Green in the middle, and Blue on the bottom. White is all F's and Black is all 0's. Better Explained: There are a few million different colors and shades you can use on forums. A hex code is a six digit code that allows forums to change the colors for you. The numbers and letters you can use are: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, A, B, C, D, E, F DARK------------------------------------LIGHT Black is all zero's so it will be #000000 White is all F's so it will be #FFFFFF If you want a dark Blue, you would put the 0's throughout the number and change the bottom number slightly, Example this is #000040 and for a very light blue you convert all the numbers to F's but the Top one (this is because it switches from top to bottom since blue is already FF at the bottom so Example, This is #FBFFFF The name for the Color Format is Hex Color code. If you are looking for a specific color you can google Hex Color Code to find a nice link to give you the color you want. Now some colors like "Rust" are not listed as Rust, but you can google or Bing, your choice of search engine, Rust color Hex Code, or something like that. For Example I wanted to Know what the Cleveland Cavaliers colors were so I searched Cleveland Cavaliers Color Code and found it on the first page. Titles So your Titles go like this for your code. [ title = code for background + code for letters ] words go here [ / title ] and you just close in the spaces. So let's say I use the Cavaliers colors for my title. I want the Wine colored background and the Navy Blue color letters. The Wine code is #860038 and the navy blue is #002D62. [ title = #860038 + #002D62 ] We Finally Won One! [ / title ] and when you close the space it looks like this: We Finally Won One! I hope this forum guide help's your next post not suck. feel free to use the comments to test out new colors and title color combo's.