This is just me here to mess with your heads and give you something to thing or comment about. For the topic is: TIME TRAVEL First of the basics, Just how do we travel though time? SPEED OF LIGHT Well this part is simple and two ways of doing so. It is common knowledge that the faster you travel the quicker though time you travel, as when you travel towards the speed of light your time will move more slowly than everything else, so we know that speed is proportional to time. BLACK HOLES It is also known that if you was to travel towards a black hole time for you will slow down very much like traveling very fast but time for everyone else will remain the same, giving the effect of you traveling forward in time again. It is believed that at the centre of a black hole time has completely stopped, meaning that if you have managed to get inside on your crushing body image would forever be frozen in time for everyone looking into the black hole. A permanent monument if you will of your final moments. So how do we travel back in time you ask? well one theory is the: WORMHOLE THEORY Worm holes is a corridor though space leading to two different points, but the time on both sides is equal meaning that at both sides of the worm hole are at the same moment in time. This theory may seem impossible with our current tech, but if we found a way to capture one end of the worm hole and move it, there is a distortion and that point you have moved will travel with you in time as we know the quicker you travel the faster you travel though time. So now we have just created a worm hole through time and space meaning that if you was to walk though the end you moved you would travel back in time and then return if you travel though the other end. However this theory could be undo as well because it's there's no telling if the other end will move along with you so this is a theory but a possible theory. There is may other theory's and ideas as listed. • Traveling faster than speed of light • Tipler cylinder • Doughnut vacuums You can look these up if you want. Now lets just say if we had a time machine but... What would happen if we was to travel back in time? Well you say we'd could only observe and not touch or alter any of the events or run risks of things like the grand father effect. For those who don't know it's a effect of you going back in time and doing something like killing your grandad before your father was born. This creates a very confusing loop of how could you kill your grandad if you never excited? Well forget that idea for a while and try and understand this one. Let's say when you travel back in time and you change something within that time. Well you'd end up creating a alternative reality where events from that point after will co-exist with your alteration in time. This means that both universes will still exist the universe you was originally from, and now the universe that you have just created. This does present the the problem of if you tried turning to your time you'd only ever return to the alternative reality you created after that moment, but this will explain how the grand father effect is in fact not true. As your reality that you came from never changed. Right now that I've blown your mind I conclude this with picture of myself
When I did more advanced physics back in education I did a paper on this topic so I actually knew a lot of this already and I have to say it's a great topic to look into. FYI another way to blow people's minds is like this. Think of 2 spaceships, one at rest(ship A) and the other travelling at half the speed of light towards the other ship (ship B) Ship B fires a beam of light in the same direction as Ship A. Now as we know light must travel at the speed of light relative to each person seeing it. The beam of light is travelling away from ship B at the speed of light however ship b is already travelling towards ship A at half the speed of light. This means that the beam would be moving at one and a half times the speed of light relative to ship A. Luckily this is where time dilation comes into play. This is why the faster you are going relative to everyone else the slower time goes for you. Again that is quite a brief and basic way of putting the whole thing but still great thread
Heres a question for you: if i went back in time and stole a phone out of someones hand and then returned to the future. Then at a later date i returned to the same place only a few seconds earlier and once again steal the phone. What happens?
I've time travelled The instruction were in the forum years ago. I bought a new stove put tin foil on the box, a meat thermometer for a gauge tossed in a pillow book and flashlight. Then I taped myself in and read the book till I was bored. Having checked the clock before I climbed in my ship I swear I had traveled 23 minutes into the future. Later that week I folded my machine and had guys in a big green truck take it away as mankind can't be trusted with this power.
I think everything starts to taste like copper for some reason. +1 Brownie points if you get the reference.
Isn't the alternate universe theory the answer to the shrodinger's cat problem? The idea that there an infinite diversity of realities, each unique in which anything that can happen has happened but in different ways each time. As for time travel I don't think it's possible to travel backwards and travelling forwards is only due to time dilation at near light speeds.
mmh so you are saying that IF you travel back in time you automaticly also travel to another brandnew reality, demention? this is just pure spacecake :|
The events of the past is why we have the present. The ability to time travel backwards would destroy itself by undoing the events that set it in notion, doing a loop of the Grandfather Paradox. Of course, there's the alternative universe theory, but then you could just make a wormhole to travel to the alternative universe instead, thus nulling the need for a time machine in the first place. Long story short, time travel is useless.
One of the lamest things about Star Trek is that they spend half the time time-traveling. Give it a rest already.
I bought a second hand time machine tomorrow.... they dont make em like they are going to, anymore....
If i want to time travel it's quite simple..... Being a big hockey fan i go back a few weeks or months n read up on Phil Kessel news. I then know what i will be reading in the future day after day after day etc. I like to call it 'GroundHogtown Day'
If I remember you must join the black hole and the worm hole...... So that you can go inside both of it...... I knew about the speed of light but I thought you should join black hole and worm hole together then go inside it to go back time........... Well, what now if we can go back in the past if we can't return back?..... If we do the same we have a chance of going further to the past.....
Time traveling *into the future* is possible. Just not the way you'd think we'd do it. Plus its a 1 way ticket. And no support. Ata should have different priorities.
That's why it's off topic... And ata cannot do anything about it anyway (who said they need to search for it day and night to find a way to win events etc?). And this is just for entertainment. Just like newspapers, and forums is like the newspapers of kaw for me because I knew lots of information from here.