Time for Round to become extinct?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by War-Kage, Mar 3, 2015.

  1. When the Devs first introduced Primal Wars and Indy Wars I was troubled that BFA seemed to be completely out of the clan-war picture. At the time I supported Harbinger of Wrath's petition for Round wars (please no OSW back and forth gloating/accusations or other tripe on this thread). I felt that the LB players who had spent a lot of time, effort and real life money in building their BFA deserved a chance to war with their clan.

    However, given the miserable participation in Round wars, I believe it is time for Round wars to go the way of the Dodo. Unless I am mistaken, I believe each Round war slot has the lowest participation rate of any war time. Of those who do participate, many clans continue to try and use the LB/SH stack (or its more modern variants) -- the very reasons Primal and Indy wars were introduced. I have come to the personal conclusion that perhaps it is time to do away with the Round war and have simply indy and primals.

    Thoughts? Disagreement?


  2. Support - rnd wars are a wasted slot
  3. Just because you do not wish to participate in round wars, doesn't necessirly mean they have to be removed. Your build suits primal wars but loads of builds don't so what do they do?
  4. They modify build and adapt like the rest of us have each season.

    Fully support kage.
  5. Support. Round wars are extinct now.
  6. with new lands and builds i am sure the sh problem will be nerfed, i would like to see round wars continue, i like my bra however pitiful it may be :lol: :lol: and its a shame it is of no use in wars.
  7. So no benefit to those who have spent years building up BFA? as opposed to others working on build, which takes few months at max if you have the money? Round wars are practically the only wars where they can establish their authority which they deserve considering the effort they have put into this game
  8. If no clans enter round wars years of bfa is still not used. Wasted slot for very few wars.

  9. Nothing wrong with round wars. The problem is the low amount of participation in EE wars, which has been the main problem since S2.

    There's either huge tanks, big ps or ssh. Every build inbetween gets smashed. War clans only allow the builds stated above in their clan, resulting in only a few clans able to do the wars.

    Always the same people warring, no space for builds that cant meet up to the high requirements. That's what indi's are for.

    I'm quite sure primals&rounds will always have very low signups, guess they are made for "the best of the best" players.
  10. Sell allies, grow. Warring has always been about adapting yourself to what's required, and this is no different.
  11. Cannot compare round n primal sign ups at all. Any clan can roster up for Primal or take chances mercing. Round wars r not supported period.
  12. So redstar's allies? What good does that bring him other than to put him no.1 on ally LB? Might as well stop working on allies and get build sorted
  13. Does nothing if not warring but has done IWar as of late. As for LB its used for more than EE.
  14. Heck no
    I just converted into a sh
  15. No support
  16. redstar could drop a few allies and have 15mill adt/sdt in about 10 min and still be no.1 with allies lol
  17. Rather than post "no support" or "support", please explain why.

    Unless of course you are simply trolling. If so . . . . then well played.


  18. support
  19. No support your a fail sh that tried to make hte clans but failed and failed to wc many times. Oh and you also failed to roster wars, and make fail EE clans

    ~FaLleN WaRrIOr