Time for new pots?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by serioussam, Sep 26, 2016.

  1. As the econony inflated quickly (new lands, uprade levels, new ebs), I think we also need some new and beter stat pots for attk/def/spyatt/spydef, offering more tactical power when needed.

    This will help us, the meduim players to catch up...
  2. It is sort of weird at this point. The power that pots provide is insignificant relative to the current build sizes, high end ebs (I can't clear my bars with full pots against lotl), and bfe.

    I know the bigs rioted last time the devs released new pots, but ata needs to suck it up and give smaller players the option to pay for pots to hit larger targets.
  3. Sure why not give the bugs with more gold reserves better ways to destroy farms while small kingdoms go bust just trying to pot up.

    Dumb idea. Pvp for 3 months plus vs people triple your size and try potting up.
    Not happening and would just destroy the smaller builds.
  4. But Pot burning larger builds would be a thing again, too.

    Right now the losses are so small that pot burning is a dead tactic.
  5. Or how about just adding new attack pots and not defense pots. Gives smallers the option to hit biggers (at a cost) without putting any strain on smalls to keep expensive def pots stocked.
  6. Have you got any idea how many pots you burn through in 3 months solid farming.
    I can burn 10k of every pot in 2-3 days when agitated. That gets darned expensive.
    No I don't want new attack pots that bankrupt me further.
    Pvp is already who can do the most damage.
    Making it more expensive to fight against bigger builds makes it impossible for smaller builds to defend themselves.
    The bigs don't use attack pots. They barely need to defend with their stats.
    To make a dent you would need pots based on last mistaken pot update of 200 million a hit that you have to pay to hit them.
    Unless the rate of Pvp gold goes up to cover the cost ( which won't happen devs want pve as it is seen as more profitable or controlled Pvp ie events ) then it makes zero sense to increase pots.
  7. Making it more expensive? Right now it is almost impossible for people to hit large accounts that have no trouble hitting them.

    No one would force you to buy the attack pots. You would be able to keep going as you are now, as long as they didn't add defense pots too.

    The only difference is that people who are willing to spend the extra gold would be able to hit targets that they couldn't hit before.

    And seriously, 10k of each atk and spy attack pot is only like 400b
  8. You really fit ten thousand hits into two or three days?
    Also the pvp gold does not need to go up as using pots to get through is because you have intent to damage, not necessarily profit.
  9. 400 bill every 2-3 days for say 3 months yeah that's hard to sustain. And bigs can already farm with relative freedom. Paying to adjust hot ranges isn't what's needed.
    We need better hit ranges separating the too bigs from those who cannot fight back realistically.
  10. That only lessens competition by shutting out players in different size ranges. (Not that I am against the idea, considering the huge size gaps). But adding new attack pots would increase competition by increasing the number of people smalls can hit successfully.

    Again: you wouldn't have to change your play style from what it is now. You wouldn't be forced to buy the attack pots. You'd be able to hit all the same people you can hit now.

    But you would have the option to hit more.

    I don't see a downside for you.

    Just need to make sure those thick minded apes understand that defense pots would have negative consequences.
  11. They were supposed to come out last February but the dev team clearly forgot.
  12. When annoyed and with multiple targets. Heck yes.
    And yes it's about inflicting damage. As such it's pointless to Pvp to add more pots that damage myself and my costs defending myself ( fighting back ) than I already lose face an overwhelming force. Tighter hit limits would be far more productive at stopping bigs sitting on smalls
  13. For someone with a 4 year badge you seem to do an awful lot of complaining about hit ranges and how it isn't fair with the current hit ranges. Yes the hit ranges are broken but do you not remember 4 years ago when gold was much more scarce and hitting people bigger or smaller than you was just a part of the game? Yes you could complain back then but players were actually tough and not complaining little welps because it was the way it was.
  14. Folks, I see that the discussion is going only in the pvp/war case, but there is also eb angle about pots...

    Smaller and intermediate players want to be able to hit higher-end EBs, outjump their hit bracket. currently the clan cs requirements are much higher compared to those two years ago, for the same ebs. This because of the new lands and the old pot system, and that pots are no longer a tactical differentiator. That's why ally market is also so overpriced.

    New pots will give better growth options to players, and this will make the game more interesting, more people will embrace new challenges. New pots will also normalize ally prices (att&def pots)

    Currently with my stats, its hard for me to hit LOTL more than 8-10 times with all pots equipped. And that's not encouraging at all...

    The pots system has just been frozen compared to the other developments since 2 years, and that's a fact.
  15. I actually support it, because it'd be nice to bring back pot-burning in OSW.

    Anyone remember a couple of years ago when devs released new pots and loads of people went nuts so everyone got a full refund? haha

  16. Optimal played for 4 years? So 4 X 365 1 = 1,461 days. 1,461 / 3 = 487, 487 X 10,000 = 4,870,000. So basically if you go through that many pots for your whole KaW life, giving you the benefit of the doubt by using a 3 instead of the 2. You've gone through 4,870,000 pots? Of course that's if you tried[/] and were in constant OSW which your fairy ass will never be in. In all seriousness, to run through 10k pots through 3 days with 80 actions per unload, you would need to do 37.5 bars a day. For 3 days. Rip vro
  17. Optimal only has around 620k sucessful actions (attacks, scouts steals assasinates) tho...
    Thats just 60 2-3day periods.
    Obviously you dont do this every 2-3 days (burn 10k pots idk if thats possible ) or you'd be laik #1 on attacks

    Just trying to critically think, and question stuff, something my i will do alot for my major

    - its just my 2cents, not really important, not really anything meant by it
  18. New pots need to come with a hefty price tag. The problem is what your paying for the advantage.
  19. I never fail with my spies alone on lotl but you need full pots ?