Time for a new EB

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by MYTHIllITHElIlIVILLAIN, Jan 13, 2015.

  1. Well This is my first thread please dont make fun of it. But Ive been thinking maybe it is time for A new Permanent EB that makes good gold but you dont have to pay for. But with this would mean at least 2 new pieces of equipment. I have also been told that A PvP EB should be made. Which is a good point because whats the fun of hitting someone if hits arent returned. I also dont get what the point of threatening someone is in a war game Just hit them!! Enough said So now that yall have heard my Ideas please tell me what you think. Thanks for your time!!
  2. Free ebs that pay well:

    Tfc, haunt, tsg, ss, ts, aff

    We dont need more
  3. Thank u But I mean for like small and medium sized people
  4. Hey Killer.. How about an eb that..

    I don't know...

    Hits back?
  5. Isn't that PvP Ashes?
  6. I dont believe it would be a eb then
  7. Ambush, origins, nml for smalls
    Define mediums?
  8. Like 3-8Mcs fast, and easy like HTE but without the seal
  9. Last time I looked Omar was a small/medium build. How much gold do you need to make, OP?
  10. Crow.. Not quite..

    Let me explain..

    The followings are what happens when u hit someone on BL..

    1- No hit backs
    2- Threatening posts on ur wall (I know zaft!), no hit backs
    3- Threatens to farm u with their main, no hit backs
    4- Their clan owner pm's ur clan owner, no hit backs
    5- Posts CF! on ur wall
    6- Posts CF! Forum thread to you
    7- Rage quits

  11. 3-5mcs can do haunting
    6-8mcs I'm pretty sure can hit TSG
    Both EBs pay well
  12. We can call it Tfc yeah?
  13. Good Point they should do something about that
  14. I like the idea of an eb that attacks players also make the damage more realistic, if I send in 128,000 highly trained spies how would I only kill 430 tentacles, I think we should multiply the damage and health of all ebs by 100
    Just for realism
  15. Yeah sure
  16. That would mean I loose my gold too D:
  17. but in theory you would still be doing relatively the same amount of damage
  18. I agree plus if you multiply the damage they would multiply the health making the EB a Even bigger hassle
  19. Easy like hte but no seal... Haunt!

    Depending on bfe 3-8m cs can hit top tier ebs. It depends how you want to kaw
  20. Ok u win oh my lord