UPDATED: Lvl 2 and changed some formatting Sorry it took soooo long I was really hoping that the devs would better the stats. So far no such luck but if something changes ill update ASAP. So below I modified some info but basically a repost of V5.3 build calc I think I have links working correctly and the cells in the spread sheet should calc proper. If stuff is missing wrong or needs to be added let me know and I can update the master. Also note I left spaces for the other possible lvls that might or might not come out feel free to speculate and fill in the blanks for stats! :lol: Repost of Dark_assassin_lIllI and updated! KaW Build Calculator Version 6.1 (2013-Aug-26) Here is the latest version of the KaW Build Calculator. Please note: This is not built nor maintained by A Thinking Ape and there are no guarantees that it will provide an accurate build statistic. This is a KaW community effort -- many thanks go out to the many people who have contributed building information. It includes the latest Tier 6 building info, The latest version of the Build calculator is ( numbered version 6.1) You can download this from Google Docs: Download KaW Build Calculator V6.1. You can also open it within a browser on a PC to open with Google Docs: Open KaW Build Calculator V6.1 Please note: These links do not work magically within iPhone KaW Forum Browser. You must copy the Download Link into Safari, and Use "Open In" to edit in a spreadsheet editor app. This worked well on the Android device I'm now using without issue. A personal computer should work as well, of course. Please feel free to wall me with feedback. Example Build Stats (Bonus to Allies) Pure T5HLBC Builds 8.95 / 5.95 / .04 / .04 M : Pure Attack 6.82 / 8.96 / .04 / .04 M : Pure Defense 8.20 / 8.20 / .04 / .04 M : Pure Balanced 0.06 / 0.06 / 5.6 / 5.6 M : Pure Spy Example Builds 0.29 / 0.29 / 5.5 / 5.5 M : Big T5 HLBC Hansel .139 / .163 / .688 / .688 : Guild Hansel Again, many thanks go out to the many people who have contributed information. See also: Wulf's excellent thread on Buildings and Land. He includes an older version of this spreadsheet. HAPPY KAWing UPDATE: Also added a quick static def calculator in the spread sheet!
Re: Tier 6 KaW Build Calculator!! [img=https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7xjlswkvhq7e1g/BUILD%20CALC%20V6.xls] https://www.dropbox.com/s/f7xjlswkvhq7e1g/BUILD%20CALC%20V6.xls [/img]
Re: Tier 6 KaW Build Calculator!! Can an admin sticky this and in stick the calc that was for t5?? Ty
Re: Tier 6 KaW Build Calculator!! So how much does it cost to bc the new lands? Is that on the spreadsheet?
Re: Tier 6 KaW Build Calculator!! Check wulf's 'land and build' thread..it has HF prices. The complete HF cost is like 5.6T
Re: Tier 6 KaW Build Calculator!! @ Bmike ~ I've also include that information on the spread sheet!