Discussion in 'Wars' started by admin, Jul 18, 2013.

  1. THIS WAR WILL HAVE THE CLASSIC SET UP. 2 hours with 10 minute KO no advantage.

    * Please be advised that we are running experiments with the current set of wars.
    After both wars today are finished you will be reimbursed for your crystals used during both wars. So if you sign up for the war and use no crystals you get nothing. If you signup for the wars and use crystals you will be credited for ONLY THE CRYSTALS YOU USED. Also, you will be reimbursed after the second war. So if you participate in the first war and use crystal, you will get reimbursed but the reimbursement will not happen until after the second war.


    We are doing this so that we can tweak our matchup algorithm before the weekend wars start.

    We are examining the results form this war to make improvements before the weekend. There will be continual improvements today and throughout this weekend. We appreciate the patience and support you guys are all giving us in the meantime!

    War 2
    Signups: 32
    No Match: 2

    Kings Of Kaw IV your BFA was too low to find you a suitable match.

    Warthog Strafe Run you ended up as the odd man out.
  2. Hey devs, for future wars like this please add an hour extra in between... It was very hard to transition so fast thank you 
  3. Sounds like a good idea.
  4. What's the hit ratio in the war of Devistation and tgia reborn?

    I'm finding dts/dtw mechanics to be lame, even though I know it's meant to thwart 'exploiters'.
  5. Devs, since we where odd man out, who where the two clans that matched?

    Nice one :)
  6. I'm just interested who our possible enemy could've been
  7. Thanks devs, you guys rock. :)
  8. Lmfao no surprise. They answer 1 question then disappear lmao.
  9. What's is ncu hit ratio compared to warlor? We have never faced any clan of this caliber...5th strongest clan is hard to beat compared to a 34 clan.

  10. Maybe World War Z or Wolves Reborn based on build stats/bfa/bfe but not taking into account hit ratio. Maybe MINAS MORGUL but BFA difference might have stopped it. It's hard to look at the hit ratio data after a matchup though so it's hard to say.
  11. 83% for the signed up members.
  12. Apologies that our response time and frequency is not to your liking.
  13. our war with -DeVaSt4TioN- going to be very interesting. They have a CS advantage of 75 mill. and our bottom 7 we calc will only be able to hit 8 of their guys.

    just providing feedback. looking foward to the war! bring the test on!

  14. Devs please respond to my feedback from earlier want to know ratios that made us vs ER remotely fair

    How is 10 minute ko 'classic'. Don't any devs remember it was 15 minutes in season 1 ???
  16. But did you take into account there member and cs advantage...not trying to be whiny admin but just doesn't seem to be the best match up.
  17. Devs can u provide ratio on tgia reborn match. Curious since they have cs advantage of 75 mil. Yes 75 milllllllll. Bfe their bfa and BFe is very nice.
  18. Does the hit ratio take into account how many people can be hit successfully? Or is just that you could actually attack them and not get DTW dts.
  19. Vp should drop items for the 'odd man out'
  20. Ah thank you Admin.