
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Marodo, Aug 22, 2010.

  1. This is a story thread so plz no posting on it my story will be posted soon but in the meantime plz enjoy the sneak peak
  2. O btw this is an iWrite Co. Production owned by my bro, Bastion
  3. "Ready....Set.....GO!!!" screamed screamed Campi. Yanshizai, Relyks, and Neo ran off as fast as they could. They were racing to the acient tree in fields of Ranyin. These wheat encrusted fields were extremely hard to keep control of your feet in, and therefore Relyks tripped and fell. Yanshizai looked back and saw Relyks and chuckled a bit. They were almost to the ancient tree and Relyks was catching up! The race was almost over when all of a sudden, the tree fell. Immediately the young boys stopped and Campi ran as fast as he could to them. "What the heck is that thing?" muttered Neo as a humongous monster jumped on top of the fallen mossy gren tree. The monster's skin was a dark purple and its eyes were bright red as if fille with nothing but anger. He rippe his mace of of his back strap and started sprinting to the boys! "RUN FOR IT!!!" screamed Relyks. The boys dashed as quickly as possible. Neither one of them dared to look how close this beast was. All of a sudden a clash sounded and they heard moans. Yanshizai looked back and he saw a being on top of the slain monster, but he kept running. They finally made it back to te border of Salaacka and Ranyin. "Heh we were almost that things lunch," declared Relyks. Yanshizai nodded an Campi laughed a bit. At the moment, Neo was observing this border town. The style was much different than what hes regularly seen. The houses were made of clay and thicket. The rooves were made of bright green palm leaves. The streets had a dull look and were made of lifeless stone. For some reason guards swarmed the area. The four young boys slowly walked together and found their way to the town inn, The Fiery Dragon. "Excuse me, mister? Uuh hello?! SIR!!!" said Campi impatiently to the inn bartender. "Oh, hello there my laddies, what ya been seeking on this fine summer day?" asked the bartender in a scottish accent. Campi looked at his friends,"Well sir, we're lost and we were wondering if u knew how to get to Hydranti Palace Town." The bartender put his hand to his chin and rubbed his scrubby beard,"Well why not try the Directions Officer at the east end o' town?" The four boys' face lit up and speaked in perfect unison, "Thanks mister!"
  4. The boys ran out of the Fiery Dragon and rushed to the first soldier they could find,"Hey sir! Do you know where the Directions Office is?" asked Relyks. The soldier pointed down the road to Main Street. "Thanks," said Campi as The boys ran down the street. As they were running, Relyks turned around,"I can't believe that monster though. And that knight that kille- OOF!" Relyks ran into the head blacksmith. Relyks fell to tye ground. The blacksmith put his hand out to Relyks,"I'm so sorry young man. Are you ok?" Relyks nodded and grabbed the blacksmith's hand,"I'm Thornin the blacksmith, why don't I make it up to you boys and give you a little gift?" said Thornin. "Heh no way!" said Neo eagerly. Thornin signalled for the boys to follow them. They walked awhile and eventually made it to the weapon shop where Thornin works. Relyks' eyes opened wide and seemed like his whole face was glowing.
  5. Chapter 2
    Thornin granted Relyks a longsword with a gold encrusted hilt. Neo was given a Solar Orb from the great dragon mines. Campi was given a bow and poison tipped arrows. Yanshizai was given a dark katana with a black star guard. "Wow all this... For nothing," said Neo excitedly. Thornin put his hand on Neo's back,"Yup." With Relyks leading, they walked out of Thornin's weapon store and went straight to the Town Help Center. As they were walking they encountered something extremely unexpected,"Hey you! Get back here immediately!" A town guard ran down the street after a masked man. The man looked back as he was running and looked straight at Relyks. Immediately Relyks fell into this halucint cloud of pure darkness and all he could see was that mask. The man was decorated in a large black costume with baggy cloth pants And a decorated shirt that looked like a Hydranti commander's armor. The masked man looked away from Relyks and kept running. The town guard took out his horn and blew it. The sound was heard in all of Ranyin and immediately soldiers came running from every corner, but the man dropped these strange orbs which created a dark smoke and then after the smoke left, the man disappeared. Before the soldiers left Campi went up to one and asked where the Directions Office was, the soldier told them it was in the middle of Center Plaza. The boys ran, they did what they could to avoid what seemed like a rising crime rate. There were thieves on every ally and strange men in every corner. The black market was making in appearence in the public. They eventually made it to the office and asked the clerk for directions or a ride to Salaacka. The man gave them a personal horse and carraige. They had their own driver and a four-seater brought specifically for them. "What do you suppose that the masked man had done to get the town guards after him," asked Neo. Campi replied,"Well he probably stole somethig from the Ranyin Savings Input!"
    "No, did you see the blood on his mask? He obviously killed someone," argued Yanshizai. They three boys argued for a while. When Neo realized that Relyks hadn't said a word he asked,"Relyks, is something wrong? You seem sick or scared or ... or worse." Relyks lifted his head up and looked at Neo,"That man had some arcane magic that this world isn't ready for. When he looked me in the eye, i was in some deep and unshakable transe. I felt as if i were falling in complete darkness, when i tried to reach for what seemed like a rock wall, the wall disappeared like a cloud. It was scary." The boys thought about this experience for the whole ride to Salaacka, after what Relyks said, there were no sounds but the horse's hooves hittin the hard stone road. Eventually they made it to Salaacka, the boys jumped out excitedly and tipped the driver with what little money they had. The sight of the once mighty Salaacka was now... 
  6. Chapter 3
    The once mighty Salaacka was no destroyed. The boys gasped and they all cried because they knew that they're parents are most likely dead. They walked into the city with weapons ready. They looked around and saw all the dead and burned carcasses. Relyks looked around with eyes peeled of a white building, but most buildings here were black from hours of bruning. He turned his head to the right and then to the left. Eventually he spotted it, his grandfather's house. "Guys c'mon! I gotta make sure my grandpa's okay!" said Relyks worriedly as he ran down the street. Relyks kicked the door open and found a horrifying sight, his grandfather being held hostage by a strange dragon/man creature known as a draconian. The draconian had its back faced to the boys,"I see that we have intruders here. Hmm so unpolite," said the draconian mockingly. Relyks pulled out his sword,"You monster! Get away from my grandfather!!!" yelled Relyks as he charged at this beast. The draconian turned around and with a single sweep of his tail sent Relyks to the floor. "So this old man is of an importance to you? Well I've already got what I needed from him anyway, so i guess there is no need for him in this world," said the draconian. The draconian took his battle-axe out and held it up over his head. His bright red claws gleamed on the axe and all of a sudden the axe set aflame. The draconian took its axe in both hands and chopped straight down. Relyks screamed. "I hope you don't have a tantrum over this one little uncertainty. Just remember this, Luke the Draconian General of Hydranti was here," said Luke as he walked out of the house. Relyks ran to his grandfather, and sat there crying for three days. He drank his own tears, and he ate the wood of the remaining house. He was sad and depressed. Day by day, Campi, Neo, and Yanshizai tried to cheer him up but jothing ever worked. But one day when Neo was exploring, he found a passageway. He couldn't resist himself and went in. Time passed and Neo realized he wasn't going anywhere, he was lost. Neo thought to himself,"There is no possible way of getting out of this stupid cave, i just wish that something would give me a guide to get out." and all of a sudden a bright light shone from Neo's pocket. "The Solar Orb, i'm freed! Woopee!" said Neo excitedly. Neo took the orb out and starting running around in the cave when all of a sudden he ran into a steel door. He thought about what it was doing in the cave and turned its nob. He opened the door and found a large settlement of at least 5,000 people. Neo ran in and found somone very important. The king of Salaacka, Enimarc. "uuh sir, sir. Hey mister. Uuh hello? Sir king!" said Neo impatiently. Eminarc replied,"Oh, why i am so sorry little boy, what is it?" Neo began to tell the king about what they witnessed in Ranyin and Salaacka. The king was troubled by all this but he did reveal that Relyks' grandfather was not really killed but in fact living happily in the main palace. And it turns out that Relyks' grandfather was also King Eminarc's father. Relyks had royal blood in him, and he was the heir for the new throne, he will be Throned.
  7. Chapter Four

    Luke was walking to the temple in the Hydranti city of Fellsadeep. It had been a successful attack and he was happy. Those guards didn't stand a chance when they burst through the gates of that pathetic village they called a city. What he liked most was the teary face of the whelp's grandson when he killed the old man with his fiery axe. He loved giving terror to those who faced him. Then Luke, the draconian, saw the Temple of Utho. With its high spires and many beggars the temple was always full of lesser creatures. Luke went straight down to the catacombs of the temple and went to the grave of some dignified dead person. Luke didn't really care who but it was a secret passageway to the shrine where only people of importance knew where it was. Here they could actually communicate with the Dark One and he would tell them what to do. Luke pulled off one of his scales and dropped it into a pool of water in the shrine. Utho always needed something to be called with and Luke found out a long time ago that he liked scales. And that was something Luke had in abundance. The water rippled and then he saw the Dark God Utho. His face was darkened by his hood except for his glowing red eyes. The only people that have ever seen the Dark God's face were people that had displeased him. And those who displeased him did not live to tell what his face looked like.
    "I have successfully led our armies into another victory. Salaacka has destroyed," Luke said with a smug face.
    Utho's eyes glared at him and then one of Utho's swords shot out from the water. It was a steely, dark blade. It was also huge. Luke could not see the hilt of it. This gave Luke very good insight on the size of the god himself. Insight like Utho was much larger than the average creature. The blade went up to Luke's chin.
    "Is that so, draconian?" Utho spat, "Then why is the King and his son STILL ALIVE?"
    "I...what?" Luke muttered confused, "I thought my men killed the king and I don't know anything about a son."
    "Maybe you didn't do enough asking around then. I saw you 'kill' that old man who by the way is also alive. THAT IS THE FATHER OF THE KING! His son was right in front of you, you imbecile. And your men were killed! One of the Mages of Salaacka impersonated your men. You should have seen through the deception but you were too busy partying with your friends about your 'victory'"
    "How could I have missed that?" Luke asked.
    "That is a good question, whelp. How DID you miss that?" the Dark God asked angrily.
    "I don't know. We could attack again," Luke told the god.
    "No. We need a...different approach. Something even the King will not see coming."
    "What do you have in mind, Dark One?" Luke asked.
    "Get Vinra Myn. I have a job for her."
  8. Chapter 5
    Relyks walked around this huge underground palace an carefully studied its looks. It had white walls and blue and gold banners flowing around the many unique columns. The floor was kept clean. The main throne room had a blue carpet with gold laces running along at the sides. The throne itself was all gold with a small white cushion. Relyks realized tht soon this throne would be his. King Enimrac walked in behind Relyks,"It must be a surprise to found out that i am your father." Relyks turned around and faced Eminrac,"King Emi-i mean father, how are we going to rebuild this amazing city?" Eminrac signalled Relyks to come with him. They walked into a huge room with one huge chest in the middle of it. "Go ahead, open it." said Eminrac. Relyks walked up to the chest and lifted the top with ease. Immediately after opening it, Eminrac and Relyks lifted from the ground and the sky black with specks of white that seemed like stars in the night sky. "Look down, my son," said Eminrac enthusiastically. Relyks looked down and realized that he was looking down at the ruins of Salaacka."Uuh Father, where -gulp-... Where are we," asked the scared Relyks. "We're in the sky and looking down at my once mighty city. I will show you my plans after i show you exactly what happened when Luke the Draconian attacked," said Eminrac as his voice faded. Relyks was then in the streets of Salaacka, looking around at what it once was. Then he appeared on the city wall. He looked out and found a large army dressed in black and red armor. With the exception of one, the commander of this army, who's armor was a dark gold, his scales were black and his claws and eyes were bright red. He simply pulled his axe from off his back and pointed it to Salaacka. The other men rushed to Salaacka with weapons high in the air. The Salaackan archers shot men down one by one. Then Relyks turned around and found his father in his white and gold battle armor. He was mounted on a might horse and given a gold sword. He stopped at least 500 feet before the gate and met up with his general to see what weapons this dark army has. The geberal had one report, they are ruthless but otherwise, their weapons are average and hard. Eminrac ordered open fire on the dark army. When all of a sudden, there was a great shadow over the city, Luke was up high in the air. He was soaring around casting fire from his flame axe. As the attention was focused on Luke, a huge catapult shot straight to the gate and annihilated most of the archers and thirty percent of the army. Immediately the king ordered a retreat and the men fell back and hid behind the buildings waiting for the dark army. Relyks was floating where the wall used to be and he flew to right in front of one of the dark soldiers and realized that they were from Hydranti. The Hydranti army shot flaming boulders non-stop at the city. Eventually the king was left with only 5,000 men and they retreated into the underground palace. The Hydranti burned everything. They  eventually left but Luke stayed and waited for someone that Orebil (Relyks' grandfather) kept speaking about. Luke waited and then Relyks saw himself arrive into the ruined town and everything flashed white and Relyks was back at the room with the great chest lying on the floor.
  9. Chapter Six

    Now it was Vinra Myn's turn to go to the Temple of Utho. It was hard to miss because it is the largest building in all of the city. She had received a letter from someone who she had not spoken to in years, Luke the General of the Hydranti Armies. Apparently it was very important. And to be kept a secret. Over the years, the leaders of the Hydranti have noticed her special skills and she liked that. She liked being the go-to girl for their dirty work. As long as they paid her. Vinra saw Luke standing outside; waiting to escort her inside.
    "And you must be Luke," Vinra started.
    "How could you have known? Was it the scales or the tail?" Luke responded with a smile, "It has been a long time."
    "I'm just here to get a job. That's it. Now take me to the person who hired me."
    Luke nodded and opened the doors and stepped inside. There was a Dark Priest giving a sermon so Luke and Vinra had to be quiet. They shuffled down the cold, marble steps and into the catacombs.
    "Odd spot for a meeting," Vinra muttered, "Who is this guy?"
    Luke smiled, "I think you'll know soon enough."
    Luke activated the secret room, pulled off one of his scales, and dropped it into the water. Utho's face appeared. Vinra's eyes went wide; almost popping out of her skull.
    "Is that..." Vinra trailed off.
    Luke grinned, "Why yes it is."
    "So. Vinra Myn?" the Dark God asked.
    "Uhhh....yes," Vinra stammered.
    "Great! Now I have a job for you," Utho said.
    "Why of course, Great and Powerful Dark One," Vinra murmured.
    "Vinra, you haven't worshipped me before so don't do it now. Makes you look pathetic. Where's the ice in your heart that I've heard so much about?"
    Vinra regained her posture.
    "Right here. Now what's the job and what's my payment?" Vinra asked.
    "Your job is to infiltrate castle Salaacka and get to know Relyks, the Heir to the Throne. Give me any info you can get. I'll give you a mirror in which you can communicate with me. Your payment will be five reels," Utho explained.
    "Ok I have two questions. How close do you want me to get and what kind of reels. Copper reels or iron reels?"
    Vinra liked the way this is going. Five reels means that Utho wanted her help badly. And copper or iron, it was still a good payout.
    "Get as close as you can get. And the kind of reels you ask? Gold reels."
    Vinra's eyes went wide again. She could buy a small castle with five gold reels.
    "I'll start now," Vinra stated and turned and left the temple.
    Luke waited until she was out of earshot.
    "You're not seriously paying her five gold reels are you?" Luke asked unbelieving.
    "Why of course not!" Utho exclaimed, "I don't even pay you five gold reels! When she's done with her job I doubt she'll remember her own name. As I quote from the Book of the Dark: The non-believers shall not receive reward but shall receive punishment."