thread for religious debate

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by l_lIIl-THEBLACK-SKlTTLE-lIIl_l, Dec 31, 2015.

  1. This thread is here to remove people off my other thread that started off with absolutely nothing to do with religion. So here, here's your own little thread, go ahead and debate as much as you want and maybe even act as if the OP cares what you have to say towards this subject.
  2. Seems like someone is a little upset
  3. i'm here to talk about our lord and saviour apheriun..
  4. Like any religion, some see him as a hero. While others see him as a destroyer.
  5. The only god we need is Khorne the Blood God fromthe Chaos faction of warhammer. Blood for the Blood God. Skulls for the Skull Throne!

    Yep i will go strait to hell... I already rent a nice house at the Beach of an lava lake there... is someone comming with me?
  6. Is that pronounced "corny"?
  7. Lol sure xD. All might to the bloody Corny. May the crisp be with you

  8. Blessed be the Prime
  9. Support
  10. Why do people keep making crap threads like this? It's just gonna cause arguments. Mods put it out of its misery quickly.
  11. Frog. You dont have to read. Its not about you. It isnt hurting you