Thoughts on me reseting

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by iNTeR___Psycho-Humper___MaSS, Sep 23, 2012.

  1. I would like too see if you guys think i should reset

    Reasons i should reset
    I have another big account
    I like playing this game while im small
    It would put things into perspective
    Chance to change build

    Reasons i shouldnt reset
    i have good stats
    im growing at a decent rate
    i have ok items
    i have put time into my build

    Well thats my reasons why and why not to reset, you can add new reasons to both lists.

    Please leave some feedback
  2. If you really want to go for it
  3. Chance to change build isn't a reason to. If u wanted to do that sell buildings, cause then u have money to rebuild
  4. @Owen

    True, but ivwant a name change but i dont have enough nobs
  5. The only reason is for xtals...
  6. Sell your buildings and start over with stables and itema. You could quite literally own any of them
  7. Ok well do you huys think i should drop my build and start from scratch?
  8. If you really wanted to you could try to rebuild back thru only farming and warring

    it be A great ironman test in a place filled with eb noobs
  9. Not worth it, in any sense 
  10. Yes. Reset. Or go buy nobs you poor noob.