Thoughts on extra xtals EE war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MunKeyNuTz, Feb 14, 2013.

  1. This is my first forum post so...

    I dont believe that increasing xtals will benefit the gameplay it will only benefit devs by having to spend more xtals. The reason being is...

    Plain an simple xtals cost money.

    Although getting the benefit of 2 xtra xtal use would give you additional unloads it won't offset the sheer number of incoming attacks.

    In the example above 20 more people would have 50% more actions available to them to use. By giving 2 extra xtals you are only increasing the number of actions for the losing side by 29%.

    Here's the math:

    When we start EE war you start with full troops. If you war 4 hours you will have a total of approximately 5 unloads ( 1st initial unload plus 4 hours worth of regens to unload). If you xtal twice that is 2 additional unloads for a total of 7 unloads.

    So 40 people can unload 280 times while 60 people can unload 420 times. Increasing the number of xtals that the 40 can use by 2 only yields them 360 total unloads or only 86% of the amount of actions that the larger team can field with standard xtal use.

    The other major issue with this option is that in EE wars a 5-10 person difference can change the outcome of a war drastically. That being said there is no ability to use half an xtal for matchups that are close.

    The Last major issue, and this is just my observation, war strength calculator doesn't seem to currently take in to account BFA. I have been in a few EE wars now (over 30 in total) an it seems this is not accounted for. There have been numerous situations where a particular clan might be stacked BFA wise but matched up to a clan that is not heavy BFA-wise. Maybe my thoughtsonthislast part are incorrect but as I said it isjust an observation.

    If you read this whole thing I aplaud you lol

    let me know what you think.

    ]\/[ [_]. ]\[ |{ Ę ¥ • ]\[ ]_[ T Ž

    S I L V E R • S T O M P
  2. This was all done on the important vote thread. No need to show everyone again 
  4. Nice observation...
  5. Devs only are increasing the xstal limit for lesser roster # number clans so people use more xstals. For all we know, they could purposely mismatch the wars in hopes that clans are using the xstal limit to the max. I understand ATA is a business and sales are important....but this is crossing the line.
  6. Good thread Munkey, not bad for a first timer 
  7. Amik what are you talking about you don't need to use xtals in war? Have you ever warred before? If you don't use xtals you ARE GOING TO LOSE. Plain and simple. Xtals in war are almost a necessity to winning a war.
  8. Agree with wake
  9. Support we need a better system then just xtals
  10. @anik

    Silver is correct. Xstals ARE needed. Lets take a look at LB EE wars alone.

    • Say 30 LB clans are warring
    • 30 members each
    •2 xstals for every member

    • 900 people warring
    • 1,800 xstals just on one day of warring from warring LB clans alone.
    • ATA makes roughly $1,500 from xstals sales in that one war solely off LB clans
    • Multiple that for the 5 wars....that's $7,500 in xstals from LB clan EE per week
    •Annually that equals about $390,000 in xstal sales purely off LB EE Wars

    If the devs offer more xstaling opportunities they'll be adding to that income by about 25 - 35% resulting 487.5k - 526.5k I'm annual xstal sales. Remember this is just LB EE clan wars! This doesn't even include other non-LB clans.
  11. For the people who said its not essential to use xtals in war, you're sadly mistaken. It's important to use xtals.

    I personally don't like that if you have the disadvantage, you have to spend actual money to close the gap. That's hardly fair. Why not add free regens to make up the difference? Having free regens seems more fair, money spend on both sides will be equivalent.
  12. I agree absolutely with you guys and gals thus far in the thread. And thank you for your response.

    Although I do not mean to take away from a business' ability to make money being a business man myself, I think the proposed solution does not answer the initial problem either. While extra xtals help balance the equation they state doesn't actually balance the issue at hand.

    If you are going to provide a solution, hav itbe just that, a solution...
  13. Can't deny the math r
  14. Wow lol I've never bought xstals always did the quests and lots of resets to build them up but unfortunately when you reset now your quests don't
  15.  Just showing LOVE 
  16. I agree with u and posted similar in the war news thread ...

    I also think bfa should be accounted for in the wars and only aware extra regens (crystals) to a smaller clan if outnumbered but atleast 8 so the math works out

    But in saying this people with lesser minds shouted it down as a viable solution quoting they should just open the roster to the clan outnumbered to try to get more people ... Well I say that if they could have gotten more they would have before roster lock

    I also think that there is no really great solution to match up issues ... And I think this crystal idea was and is the best solution to date to let clans fight with their own people without having to merc out or merge clans to get max everytime u want to war

    Evening out the actions ( only cuting down the gap in total action count) is the best way to even match ups

    Now the issue of bfa ... Those players have played for a long long time or spent tons of cash to strengthen their kingdom and shouldn't be penalized because of their strength

    But if match ups took bfa into account and allowed extra crystals for cases of sever number differences then lb bfa kindoms could and would be matched against each other and would allow others to fight more fair wars as well

    I'd also like to address brackets in wars ...
    I think that doesn't address clan strength or bfa mismatch either so I think that just allows for just as bad match ups as we have now
    45 v 45 same ca but one side has 20 lb players they will dominate

    Right now as far as I understand it they only count total cs in match ups and I've added up cs in a few wars to check it and most are very close to total cs for both sides even when the match up was 34-48 and the 48 dominated because of pure action count
  17. impressive and enlighteningwell done MunKey 
  18. I agree. To make a statement please refrain from xtalling or better yet to avoid xtal temptation ,use them all on ebs and boycott weekend war xtalling 
  19. I'm sorry I didn't read it :( It was more then 50 words. And it's not even like I have anything else to do.
  20. Lol ya nobody xtal in KaW for a week and see what happens