Thought experiment - forget match making

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Arch-Nemesis, Jun 14, 2013.

  1. A little thought experiment for all u forumers out there. I tend to think of clans as sports teams and kingdoms as players. When thought about in this way the current matchmaking system seems poor to say the least  To my mind trying to keep sides even while not having no match results seems to be an impossible task the devs set themselves. Hence their lowering of bfa idea. BUT, what if they did the following.....

    Matched clans according to prestige alone. Yup, that's right folks forget bfa bfe cs and all things 'fair'. If u draw someone slightly higher lower or the same prestige is the luck of the draw. But they will be within a certain range of your prestige.

    Mith payouts still relate to war performance, but higher prestige clans can expect to receive much more than lower ones. I.e losing with a top clan should pay more than winning with a low one.  Should help prevent multiple exploits.

    Participants fixed to a certain number, rather than a range - well you wouldn't expect a sports team to field somewhere between 5-15 players would you!

    That's it! I'll kick off and run through a few pros and cons that spring to mind.

    Bfa will be a big advantage to big players/clans - good, so it should be. U wouldn't expect a sports team to drop their best players in the interest of fairness! Sorry son u can't play this week, ur just too good.

    Bfe will be an advantage to players with war equip - good, so it should be. Or why bother! You'll need to equip to start rising up the prestige ladder.

    Wont big players just join noob clans? Mith payouts should be set up so its not worth their time. A little like a big player hitting warbeasts when they could be hitting haunts.

    The top clans will field enormous hlbc teams and dominate - erm yeah, I'm afraid so but at least they'll largely be fighting each other. Getting amongst them will take hard work.

    Noob clans can face off against each other earn small mith and work their way up. Rather than getting immediately smashed by the toughest war clans on the block. Lets face it without new players the wars will die.

    Large players will again be an asset to their clan - the way it should be. Or why bother growing in the first place.

    But clans field different teams each time. Yes, a little like a sports team need a strong squad not merely a strong team.

    The guild hansels will wind up fighting much bigger opponents than they do currently 

    But a very big noob clan could draw a very small noob clan? Yep, but longer term the larger clan should start to rise and claim higher rewards. Moving out of range of younger less experienced clans.

    Thoughts/constructive criticism welcome 

    First time here... go steady 
  2. No support can be exploited by dropping to lower levels by not casting spells and not xtaling and then getting back to the top easily using mith and xtals and giving them loads and loads of mith
  3. No support even through you said they will earn less mith big players will still go to noob clans and win wars and get a small payout over and over again
  4. No support, what relentless said
  5. Hmmmm I see. Cheers for that. What I'm saying is the lower ur prestige the lower ur mith reward so dropping prestige would offer no advantage.
  6. It would have to be a major major major major drop, each prestige point should be like 20mith drop and the increase should be very low for getting back up, maybe 5 mith so actually dropping means u can't even get your old mith pay back without going over your previous prestige