Thorak the destroyer Strategy

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Na-Dra_Dragon, Dec 25, 2011.

  1. Ok newest addition to the titans epics, this epic has a few special methods! Mine are tried and true
    1. Use the bloodlust spell, costs 6 mithril , better for hansel builds, now max price , 1.6bil/ dependent on build but max cost is 1.6bil. Save from using potions , great for haunting!
    2. First item part, use elixir or rage!
    3. Second item part, use elven shields
    4. Last item part is the combination of both elixir of rage and elven shield item!

    Have fun and good luck! Pls add to list as u discover tweaks!
    Merry christmas and happy gaming all!
  2. Cool story bro
  3. What planet your living on it costs less than 10m a hit in pots for me out of mayb 100 atks it'd cost 1b.
  4. 12hours of gaming the same epic wil
    Cost u more! Do some math! It works for me! U can follow or disregard ! Yr choice! Btw the last item part regens! So happy hitting
  5. This saves money if you unload more than seven times in 12 hours however it is a massive waste of MITH.
  6. Note helps using the spell in the haunting epics ! This is where all can hit without the need for potions and I'd u figure over 12hrs! Billions made for a 1.6$bil spell!
  7. You've included absolutely no strategy, All you've done is tell us what to hit with not who to hit it and so on bad strategy.
  8. 300m * 6 Xtals = 1.8b...
  9. 6 mith I mean.
  10. Works for me!
  11. So do you recommend using mithril? Or is it needed?
  12. I can see how the costs may not work for some ppl, but if u clear epics fast, and are a build like me, it's well worth it! But it's free choice for all! As the first post on this epic, thanks!
  13. I don't recommend u do anything but provide u with information to make yr own judgements! But it works for my , my strategy to help me and my clan Clear epics faster .
    The effect on hits per hit translates to a larger share of the plunder at end of epic which helps offset the cost of the mithril! Only buy the mithril to use in epics if u are committed to hit the period of effect or no sense in wasting the hard earned or bought mithril ! Good luck and please add to the list as this is a dynamic post, meaning evolving an changing as we learn and share the knowledge! Not trolls need to post ! Keep ya offbeat off subject off my post