this new kaw update is terrible

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by IX_THoR_XI, Nov 15, 2014.

  1. Devs can't u go back and release previous version

    This update is terrible
    - my screen randomly crashes and restarts
    - the lag is worse
    - I can't even buy things thru oracle
    - even loadin kaw from crash is takin forever

    It's not iOS - the previous version didn't have these problems

    Serious do u guys beta test these releases. Please please please test out these updates b4 u release.

    I wish I could go back to previous version.
  2. What device are you on? If its an older one then you might wanna try a third party RAM cleaner from the appstore... I wont recommend one though since thats not alllowed... Maybe lose other Apps before Running kaw? It helped me with my main in My older iphone...
  3. I'm on iPhone 5s and ios8
  4. Usually I'm quiet abt updates cuz usually devs patch issues

    But these last couple of updates have been terrible with no real fixes
  5. Ummmmm there hasn't been a single iOS update in close to 2 years that HAS NOT had issues... There's no testing, just hunts.. Focus on the hunts.. Hunts are love
  6. Should've listened to this and NOT updated
  7. Chibby you nub they posted that post hours after the update went live 
  8. [​IMG]

    I call ********.
  9. I actually downloaded it

    Then had issues and posted feedback

    Devs told me to delete and re install

    I did, same problems and posted feedback

    Devs told me that they r tryin to fix it

    What I'm questioning is why aren't these bugs found earlier?
  10. I mean , it seems like every update has a bug or two

    Here's a bright idea....

    Turn auto update off

    And wait until all the ******** is fixed
  11. That's the thing

    Even if I wait - it's been like 4 bad updates in a row

    At what point do u try to download update

    I wish I could re install update b4 iOS8
  12. You can with a jailbroken IPhone. I didn't update though. I will wait for all the positive cheering with the next update.
  13. I haven't heard any good updates lately - even when they update tryin to fix previous's worse
  14. can't war really now with this lag, be more of a liability to my clan.

    um devs, that means xtals not being used lol. maybe loss of income expedites fixes........
    or not.
    probably on their yacht in the Caribbean avoiding the cold in Canada.