I just looked at the leader board am this is what I saw: Gor-illa is number 1! majesty is back where he belongs in number 2 and Metallicana is right up there in number 3! You have to give Metallicana credit for being a non-pro but still number 3. Just thought I'd show you... Thanks for reading, -XD-
He might have chosen not to buy pro-packs amongst other things. We wouldn't know unless he said so himself.
Welcome to my question answer sheet about FAQ's Q. What are allies used for? A. Allies are used to achieve max plunder and when you get this you'll be earning around 50-500m a regain. Q. How do I know how I'm max plunder? A. Simple, record your plunder from allies when you attack and buy a cheap Allie and if number stays the same... If not keep trying. Q. When are the updates coming out and what are they? A. Only the devs know and they have not told anyone whats it going to be. But little bits mayyy have leaked Q. I've been told not to say " hire me" why? A. This is because becoming max plunder( refer to 1st Q
Welcome to my question answer sheet about FAQ's Q. What are allies used for? A. Allies are used to achieve max plunder and when you get this you'll be earning around 50-500m a regain. Q. How do I know how I'm max plunder? A. Simple, record your plunder from allies when you attack and buy a cheap Allie and if number stays the same... If not keep trying. Q. When are the updates coming out and what are they? A. Only the devs know and they have not told anyone whats it going to be. But little bits mayyy have leaked Q. I've been told not to say " hire me" why? A. This is because becoming max plunder( refer to 1st Q,A) earns more and it's a quicker and less stressful way.
Welcome to my question answer sheet about FAQ's Q. What are allies used for? A. Allies are used to achieve max plunder and when you get this you'll be earning around 50-500m a regain. Q. How do I know how I'm max plunder? A. Simple, record your plunder from allies when you attack and buy a cheap Allie and if number stays the same... If not keep trying. Q. When are the updates coming out and what are they? A. Only the devs know and they have not told anyone whats it going to be. But little bits mayyy have leaked Q. I've been told not to say " hire me" why? A. This is because becoming max plunder( refer to 1st Q,A) earns more and it's a quicker and less stressful way. Q. I can't talk!! Help!! A. This is called silenced. You can't talk or posts messengers in the game for 24hrs but forums you can.. You can also manage a way around but it against ToU Q. I have a friend who can't log on!! A. They are probably banned. This is because they have committed a serious offense to the use of KaW Q. OSF? OAF? A. OpenSpy(or secret) F same as Above but attack instead off spy Q.BBcodes? A. Size= [size=number(1-200)]'text'[/size] Colour/color= [COLOR!!=Colour/color]'text'[/color] ['i'] text [/i] ['u'] text [/u] ['bold'] text [/b]. Remove the " ' "