things that a clan owner should be able to do

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -KinG_StonnY-, Dec 19, 2012.

  1. pls support this idea........clan owners should be able to know who is getting kicked out of the clan. another idea is clan owner and admins should known wen was the last time a member join an eb for example it should say this member last join a week ago that way we could know if they r being actiove or not because u cant always know wen a member is being active enough wen u an a fast haunt clan or just by tagging them ....i got more ideas but im working so pls support ty
  2. Yes, grammer is quiet hard.
  3. Good stuff!!i like it!
  4. But strange idea, I like ur second one
  5. Grammar* i really need to turn on auto correct >.<
  6. lol floppy ok i get it grammer... so i think the second idea does sounds nice
  7. Auto correct is a double edged sword floppy.

    Sometimes it makes you look smarter. And sometimes it completely screws you and makes you look almost as dumb as the op's op
  8. I like the second Idea
  9. Okay well I'm all for an owner seeing when an admin kicks a member..

    But anyone can check if they have been EBs, you just look through your clan's EB history. It's not hard to do, just takes a few minutes of time.
  10. "been IN Ebs"... Please excuse my poor grammar ;)
  11. I know. But i can blame all my mistakes on auto correct :cool:
  12. Why are worried about them hitting the eb?
  13. Yay rude girl for knowing that this "idea" is already an actuality
  14. They could be active farming someone, perhaps the other pays better than the eb..
  15. Owners and admins can look under the eb history and you will be able to tell who has been active.
  16. @OP. Just because u find out how to post forums, doesn't necessarily mean you should post forums.

    The spelling is horrible, but since engrish may not b u 1s lengage den I says no maters 2 meh. Buut u'z dea's iz dumm dumm den . Sooo y no u dun post moore dem dumm dumb dea's okey dokay
  17. The other "non-EB" option is to do normal AC checks... Just note their successful attacks in their title, and a date. EB or farming will both raise that number.

    And as for the OP's comment on fast haunts.. Even in your clan with 30 minute haunts i can see back 4 days of EB history.

    Part of being an owner involves having to do a little work. Don't expect the Devs to do things for you.
  18. I'd like to know who kicks members as well
  19. @gollpy
