They've always been heartless

Discussion in 'Wars' started by LittleMissBettyCrocker, Aug 20, 2012.

  1. Recently, I was travelling the walls of -Alison- and the rest of the gang that have been involved in this little KotFE fiasco, and oh me, oh my you wouldn't believe what I've uncovered with my sleuthing skills.

    I came across some interesting news on the wall of -Alison-
    Apparently, this is not the first time KotFE have gone out of their way to 1vClan target a female.

    Remember, as usual, to bottom to top of each picture, as you would if you were on someone's wAll



    A fellow forumer contacted Wendy. I will leave she/he anonymous unless he/she decides to post as himself/herself.
    I found the alt KotFE used against Wendyms, with more proof of their cowardice.

    Again, read bottom to top.

    I didn't know they had such a long history of pitting their entire clan against one person.

    I'm amused by the hypocrisy here. They call out everybody under a certain stat range for using an 'alt' yet they themselves have a history of using alts to talk trash.


    This is the one that really gets me. Apparently, the clan wendyms was a part of at the time has recently had a clan mate pass away in real life. They had specifically asked them to leave the deceased's account alone, and they still chose to strip farm her.

    Oh, and this


    'this isn't hiding behind an alt. I'm simply taunting the departed in your clan.' ??

    What in the hell? Was that supposed to be a crack at stripping and farming someone deceased? Yet you hid behind an alt so nobody knew who you REALLY were.
    I'm so sick of seeing more and more evidence of
    KotFE's evil schemes. They've been corrupt since long before all this with -Alison- went down.
    And you got it here, first.

    Another picture at what a group of babaric, heartless Neanderthals KotFE repeatedly proves themselves to be.
  2.  I know what they did/have done isn't right - but can you leave these threads ?

    To me it seems you do it for your benefit. To be "that person that took to kotfe in the forums she must be brave"

    If Alison wants to demean/embarrass them she is more than capable herself.

    And we all know about the wendyms incident... How long have you been playing?
  3. Interesting...
  4. This is for all the new people who don't know about it.
    I don't post it for my own benefit. I post it because there are still people who choose to think KotFE is an honorable and respectable clan.
    I'm not speaking for Alison or Wendyms. I'm speaking because I want justice. I want KotFE to stop trying to act like they don't do anything wrong, like they don't pick on weaker people just because they know they can win.
  5. Enough with the kotfe threads...make dr-pinky threads it would be way better and more entertaining lol
  6. Lol. I can make a Pinky thread :D
  7. Pinky.
    Unblock me bro.
  8. Lol....."Justice"

    I hate to break it to you, but this is the virtual world. There is no justice here, and if there is? It's skewed and easily corrupt and forgotten. Not long lasting. Very much the tend of ATA games (and no surprise, Devs/Support team are guilty of it too).

    Bitter pill to swallow, but I see no gain in it. I'll also ask you not to generalize and label all of them as barbaric neanderthals. I happen to have a friend from KOTFE in there, and just because there may or may not be a few bad apples in that clan doesn't mean they all are.
  9. Rage, rage, rage.

    Who cares... Yes people called KotFE out... But do you not think there's enough threads?
  10. Jesus Christ


  11. If you don't like it, don't read it! Piss off.
  12. Thanks for making a stand
  13. I wasn't trying to gain forum respect or gain a reputation for myself. What the **** is wrong with you people? You call US THE NOOBS but seriously, you are the one who sit here and blatantly talk trash to people to make them mad.
    YES, I am raging right now. Because you people are arrogant, ignorant, thick headed, psychotic ass holes. I'm done with the forums and requesting a lock on this thread. You have no consideration or respect for anyone besides yourself. You give NO thought to the fact that, regardless of the fact that there's a SCREEN there, the person on the other side is an actual human with actually feelings. You're all miserable little shits and I'm done with it.
  14. In b4 lock: I just want KotFE to know that my hatred was not directed towards all of you. I'm sorry for classifying all of you in that group. I know not every member of KotFE, and KotFE's council, lack morals.
    I was upset by a lot of things, mixed with this, and I got a little out of line with my rage here.
    I would like to formally apologize, right here, for my utter disrespect.
    Nobody has enticed me into saying this. These are my own opinions, and all of you should know by now, I have absolutely no qualms with tellin it straight up like I see it, especially be because I'm too small right now for anyone to hit.
    I digress..
    I see now that I ****** up. Yes, the things I portrayed in this thread were wrong, but I have calmed down since then, and I realize I had no right to speak of KotFE in such a manner about things I know so little about.
    And I'm sorry.
  15. They dont always bring out the entire clan but they try. This is from experience from the issue i had with 2 KotFE members.
  16. Another day, another thread I don't know about the rest of kaw but u are boring the hell out of me (yawn). U really need to get a life, this will probably been the only post from our family on this thread as it only adds to ur noob tears which I will need Noah to build me a ark soon to escape the flood from them, moose merged the other 5-6 threads and bell locked it for being 100 plus pages of attention seeking spam and  I hope a mod does the same with this one
