I got a theory, which would not make it so random. I would need some data to test the theory. Post the following info about your EB: what EB? EB time? Number of participant? How many items and which ones?* *Also provide data of EB that did not get items. Note that I am looking to know who got the items. It might be useful to know, however I am trying to weed out around my theory.
destroyer around 25 clan member 2 armors dropped ( one go to top plunder player, another go to almost the lowest plunder player)
Sigh... It's RANDOM. Every time you hit it's like putting your hand in a bag with 1000 balls in it and pulling one out. Only one ball is the winner. If you don't pull the winner you PUT THE LOSER BACK. your odds are the same for every hit. Hitting 1000 times does not guarantee you have picked every ball, the odds are still 1000/1 on every hit. Nothing you do as a clan will change the odds. Just hit more to have as many go's as you can in every eb. *figures and odds are random and in no way are definitive of the actual probability.
@Theris item drop not guaranteed. Macabre is right, the drop is completely random. There is no theory. Devs themselves said it was completely random and like the lottery. End of discussion.
I have tested the theory and drew the same result . The item drop dose not have any definitive pattern , that can be figured out threw trial and error. It could go to the top plunders, top actions taken, or it could go to anyone else . The only thing certain is, you must activate in the eb to be eligible to get the drop
I believe that questing for items is kind of like questing for nobs. Every action you complete, regardless of damage, gives you a very small chance to collect the item. Every action is like a little lottery ticket. Wanna increase your chances? Burn xtals like a boss. Increase your actions. That being said, there are no guarantees. Some lucky bugger who only unloaded one time may get the item, or you math all walk away empty. It's random. He real question is "what are my specific odds if I only make 1 successful action?" that's the number everyone wants, and it's also the number no one knows. Lol. I suspect, and it's only a suspicion, that each successful action yields a 1 in 100k chance. I got this number by studying Number of total clan actions Number of items dropped Pulling stats out of my bum. Hope this is useful.
So TECHNICALLY doing 100k actions will grant you an 100% change to a random item drop? And if you do 101k what happens? Change of getting 2 items? This is intresting
Factors to add include that no Clan has received more than five of the same item drop from one Epic Battle, that I have heard about anyway. Since the Community's data set is large enough now we can assume the "lottery" system has a five-drop cap per item. Also, it appears that the Devs changed the code since its release to no longer allow for folks with a particular item to receive the drop of that item again. Sticking with the "lottery" analogy, from what I've gathered these folks "tickets" are still in the running but when drawn they are thrown back. Devs did allude to the drops not-entirely being random, so there are probably a few other factors yet to be pinned down as well. Keep posting findings, cheers!
There seems to be some confusion on the lottery analogy. It is not a lottery per eb. There is no rule as to how many items drop, there is no rule about who can or can't get one. The lottery is EVERY TIME YOU MAKE AN ACTION. There is no outside control. You get "a ticket" and "the result" after every action. You just don't see the result till the end. The lack of randomness the devs spoke of is that "the more actions you do in an eb, the more chances you have had to drop an item". Doing 100k actions does not lower the odds because the odds are per action. You have the same chance every time you do said action. ... Not sure how many different ways the same thing can be said!
No offense, but how can you all be so sure of yourselves? Bottom line, unless a dev comes out and says it's COMPLETELY random, or it's like a lottery (not the same btw) then you are all just guessing! Btw, ss of what devs said or it didn't happen