The Theory: Total of Max Plunder from Buildings in Your kingdom x 60 x 225 = how much you need to have invested in allies Reasons: I think that the mp is reached when the total max plunder permitted by every building in your kingdom equates to plunder bonus from allies. Because the ratio of hire value to max plunder bonus is mainly 225, then the max plunder by all buildings in kingdom must be multiplied by 225. However, that result is too small. I reckon that the total number of actions (60) plays a role in mp. I multiply that result by 60. If that final number is reached, the mp will be satisfying. For info on max plunder from buildings, see The KaW Buildings/Builds Guide viewtopic.php?f=6
*The total number of actions is the total potential number of successful actions by a full regiment.*
Hi KaW. I studied more about max plunder. It appears that a player can only earn $0.435 per stat point when at max plunder. You would have to multiply stat bonus to allies by 50 to get your stats, then multiply that by 225 to get ratio of hire value to ally plunder bonus, and then multiply that by 0.435 to get how much you need invested in allies. Ally Value = BonusToAllies x 50 x 225 x 0.435 = BTA x 4895
I think Wulf said at one point that a 13b ally would guarantee max plunder for any build. I'll try this formula for my alt though.
@op plunder per stat point can't work since there are buildings that give no plunder. In your calculation you are saying a person with 30 coe will make less than a person with 25coe and 14 towers. @ person under op That calculation has been proven wrong many times. It would require a hlbc person to have around 50bil to reach mp when it's somewhere around half that number
Spy attack plus spy def plus att plus def x 5500 is not a true formula. I am over 7m combined stats so that would mean I need a 35b ally to be at max plunder. I know for fact that 11b value in allies is enough for my build.
Well, sorry, that's what a friend told me. I just took his word lol. I recall my former statement lol
tested the formula with my alt, in theory he would need 4.5b in allies for max plunder, but he has 5b in allies and still isn't capped. sorry bud
Mp also depends on the target you're hitting. 13b will not max you on a target smaller than you. The bigger the difference, the more you're required to have in allies to reach mp on that particular target
True, my theory is wrong. I thought the max plunder per attack was the formula without the x225, but something is missing in the formula for bonus. And i forgot about defense buildings. Btw I used T1 buildings of players at max plunder that did not use items.