
Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by iPsYcHo, Oct 8, 2011.

  1. I posted this in Fan Fic bc, well him being a good player and have "fans" is fiction. Post all your memorable fails of THEBlade here. Ill start...wait...
  2. [​IMG]

    BOOM! ur a noob
  3. Oops fail wrong pic... Thread shall die
  4. THEBlade is awesome. You are a fail.
  5. Lol. Im totally a cat eating catnip
  6. A wild THEBlade appears!
  7. Cheesmuffin used Criticize!

    Super effective!

    Minus 1 hp!
  8. Wrong topic.
  9. A wild SStG appears!

    SStG uses: Chaos Wave! -3 HP to all!