Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by faisal2, Aug 11, 2010.

  1. Ok i am gana start writing the book please post ur comments on the review page thanks and i hope you like it blade it was ur idea lolz
  2. 0nce apon a time there was a great wizard who live by one rule chivarly he belived in rites to all man he was adored by many yet he did have his enemys which where jealouse of his achievments which wanted to get back at him.
  3. Chapter one
  4. hum im gana write it on cp i thinks that better :) sorry about that ull see it up here tommorows
  5. Can I be in this story? Cow, the evil sorcerer
  6. Can I be Chrizteon, the mysterious electrician of darkness?
  7. Dat would be "rights" not rites, unless they were busy making their lefts jealous of their Rights !