
Discussion in 'Wars' started by *___________________i_____G____ (01), Nov 11, 2012.


    I declare victory on him. I've been warring for hours. my pots all burnt (obviously) and he was kept whining in my pm. and i kept attacking at him whenever he has gold out. i have no gold out so every action is equivalent to a scout in damage. I can damage him, he cannot damage me.

  2. I'd like to here wat gazoo is gonna say :lol:
  3. LMAO you've been "warring for hours and all your pots are burnt" how can one person burn ALL your pots in a couple hours
  4. wasnt one person. i got over 2k inc last 4 hours. :x
  5. So you were warring more than one person.... But you only declare victor on one person?
  6. Oh you diluted little boy, what's wrong with you ? I'm whining? You have your friends helping you, which is alright by me, gives me targets because after 4 hits your dtw.
  7. Ss or never happen
  8. How can you get over 2k inc in 4 hours? I can see steals, but if you have no money out you can't be stolen from, and scouts won't burn your pots..

  9. So what's your side of the story gazoo?
  10. My side is the kid is a nut, he was getting his clanmates involved via lies, so I went to his clan to tell them the truth, he wouldn't speak, I'd guess he was humiliated infront of clanmates for lying. And he was booted. I'll follow him to any clan telling the truth, he started farming me for no understandable reason, dragged my name into forums with his stupidity, his prior enemies contacted me inviting me to join them in farming him, which I did not. He cannot touch me with no gold out, he's an easy target,and I fail to see his objective in all this. This account is merely an alt, I do not care if it grows at this time, and if he wants to 1v1 in a war he declared, than let's do it. And don't run to others for help with what you started, just post an apology in forums and I will get back to my game of not bothering anybody. And on that note. Bellemorte is actually a cool mod.... Lol
  11. This kid has disappeared since he got booted out of his clan, not a word from him, lol
  12. Gazoo and ig has no proof 
  13. i declare this thread pointless