"The Zero Null" Feedback, Discussion, Etc.

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Nlaz, Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Thread for my new story. Prologue is up lol. Kinda unhappy with the current title actually... I think I might hold a contest later haha.

    Anyway, please and enjoy. Your comments and thoughts will be valued greatly.

    Thanks and enjoy!

    iZaln iEnterprises™
  2. Hold on gonna go read the prolouge
  3. Aha! It is good lol
  4. Sonething else to be added? If this means there is a third side.. Heh

    Only problem:
    Tios is uncles in Spanish lol.
  6. Ooh well seems like some people are following an uncle haha. Chapter 1 might be up tomorrow.

  7. My curiosity is getting the better of me
  8. I'm a lurkin 
  9. It is epic, zap.
  10. It's good. Reaaaal good. :D
  11. Expect Chapter 1 to be up... Later tonight lol?

  12. Awesome! How do you go about naming the story though? lol
  13. Like how i made the title? Idk, I was thinking about space related words, and those came to mind- not my favorite though.
