The word [HATE]

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by TheFrozenShogun, Feb 7, 2015.

  1. does anyone else feel that our current vocabulary of curses and the single word "hate" which used in the correct context is meant to be very "strong" is too weak sometimes and that we need stronger words for those very special people in our lives that get under thy skin
  2. despise, loath, abhor, detest?
  3. I find those aren't quite strong enough at times either
  4. that.. is very good, it's indeed a start. You do live up to your name
  5. Actions speak louder than words...
  6. Unless you use a megaphone and shout throught it ;P
  7. well yes, but most actions capable of expressing ones deep hate or extreme irritation or frustration mean jail time,the death sentence etc.
  8. like torture.. that would be my preferred method.. if it was legal..
  9. Mercilessly rearrange their life. Turn their belongings upsidedown. Mismatch their socks. Bring your friends and carry their car to another location. Open all their windows in the night. Barricade their doorways. Lock them out of their iphone.
  10. if a single word doesn't do it, try stringing several together. i.e. "i absolutely loath you"

    or let your inner poet express your hatred. my hatred of you burns like a foundry. the dark clouds; belching forth from the furnace, block out the light of the sun. i cannot know joy, knowing that you breathe the same air as I.

  11. Buy an amateur tattoo kit and draw a high school ******* on their cheek
  12. Genius
  13. or you could just get over yourself.
  14. nah :p
  15. DirtyLarry is Harry from Armageddon.
  16. Wrong ******* thread
  17. Stupid ******* censor.
  18. I just said a strong four letter word starting with F, and ending with K
  19. Firetruck?