"The WarZone" Endorsed by iEnterprises™

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by Nlaz, Sep 9, 2010.

  1. If anyone remembers, I used to have a story by this title. I will be reposting it sooner or later. Any older players may likely remember it. The characters chosen were based off my best friends. So don't ask to sign up as it isn't needed. Since I finished the first part of AC: Descendants, I plan to continue it, but I might try to finish this story before I start writing. Anyway, the story will be coming shortly. Thanks!

    iZaln iEnterprises™
  2. Sounds like an iterating story
  3. Tchhh... There is a feedback thread... . I'll just make a new thread.

  4. Best. Story. Evahh! Glad it's making a return!