Ok this is the signups for the grand rp! Here are the rules/guidelines. 1:your gonna need a bio,weapon appearance,and whatever else you want to add to that 2:a race like werewolf,werecat,Dijin,Human,elf,Orc, and half dragon (like they have the powers but not the appearance).Those are just the default. Races you could make your own if it is approved 3: no godmoddingretty much means you can't control everything. 4: keep it pg-pg13 5:have fun and once like 5 people sign up let the war begin *foot note I forgot to add that you can have up to twenty soldiers and you must choose good or evil no inbeteween those charecters end up like winning everything. (sorry if this is complicated just trying to regulate)
Guess I'l make my charecter Marcus (obviously) Bio was a roman general until he was bit by a vampire and went rouge. He escaped to a far away mountain where he has accumulated the 20 orcs who lived there into his own personal guard. He built a small fortress and is haunted by visions of his past. Weapon:a longsword his Orc followers crafted for him. It is imbedded with dark magic making the user a great warrior but with a terrible price..... Armor: what's left of his roman armor is patched up with wolf hides. Allegiance:evil
Too bad I could use a werecat it's not exclusive and u didn't make it up I've read tons of things with werecats in them but if it makes you feel better I'l change it to werebird
You can't do this anyway. Mine is allowed because it's proper. And no. I came up with werecat. A human that can turn half cat/half human. It can turn into a cat. It can turn into a human. I. Made. WereCats.
I don't give a flying faheta if yours is proper I'm making this rp and werecats it's been done before mr. meglomaniac. We made our points I don't like you and you don't like me I ban you from this thread featherless. Now go back to your "proper" rp
You can't ban me if I haven't done anything wrong. You did something wrong on my thread. You aren't using werecats. I made them. You aren't using them.
Dude you didn't make them tons of books with people who change into cats yeah you have your freaking sun phase but I'm not using that now really get off this thread
Who turn into cats. Werecats turn into cats, humans, and half breeds. I made them. you aren't using them unless you want to be farmed.