The war 6 issues

Discussion in 'Wars' started by YA-_Roid_-FI, Feb 7, 2014.

  1. So do the winners get 2 ee and 3 rancor as opposed to 1 ee and 2 rancor or do the losers make out better here? Or are they giving everyone that?
  2. Just the losers from what I understand.
  3. How does that work out? Should give everyone who was in war the extras, i won but had to do so with no tracker so thats dumb
  4. Your clan still won, those who lost had lots of connection issues. Same as the ones that one. So it's fair IMO
  5. Losers only go up one EE. They get 2 to replace the one they lost for losing war and one as compensation.
  6. They get a total of 3 Rancor and 2 Estocs Edge I believe.
  7. Suppose thats true mossy
  8. My main got the stuff and he wasn't in the war