I genuinely don't expect this thread to be very popular or get many pages in terms of replies but I have an unhealthy love for the show and like talking or reading about it so why not right. Let's say hypothetically, The Walking Dead happened in real life. Right to the core of it, bites and scratches = death (ignore the apparent walker bite survivor in FTWD), headshots only and the world has failed to keep the walkers from taking over. I want to know how you think you'd fair, how your reactions would be to different scenarios and how much you think you'd change. I also want you to compare yourselves to a walking dead character, the one you think you'd fit most. And for those less interested in this kind of thing, maybe this question will be interesting. Why do you think the world or certain countries would be able to/wouldn't be able to keep the walkers from taking over like they so quickly did in the show? Which countries would fail/succeed and which ones would successfully rise through the apocalypse?
if video games are any indicator, i will die a few times but will have the power to load an earlier save.
My reaction would be to get a lot of food together, a few gardening books and some chickens etc, steal a light aircraft and go somewhere remote (offshore island etc).
Well. I guess you take a bunch of lili's and pluck flowers to see who you kill. You want like 3-4 people as to many attracts to much attention and is to many mouths to feed.
If this really happened, its no big deal. The show is based on fear and collapse of social structure. Most of the killing was done by humans and not zombies. As long as society is held in tact, we are fine. Which it should. If humanity can defend vesus tigers and dinosaurs, we can beat a bunch of mindless zombies without any physical superiority beside being harder to kill. As for characters, I'd say I'm most like Glen, not a big talker but gets things done when it's needed.
Love (F)TWD I like to say I'm a pretty level headed dude, and I can keep my calm in the heat of the moment, but not sure how well I'd do when faced with a man eating carcass that some how manages to walk at a brisk pace :lol:
Dont see the possibility of zombie like beings as much more of a threat than some very angry apes. Mankind will round them all up n put them into an isolated research facility within a week or two n we'll all go on with our daily lives, that is unless zombies figure out how to organise themselves well & use weapons more powerful than drones & missiles lol
I would sacrifice my partners, and then while I'm running away trip and fall. Thus killing all of us.
Snoopy the type to get everyone killed, he's that soft guy that comes along in a few episodes, and acts like a Mitch. I'd end him super quick without a second thought
They tried this already, even if one slips past that would still be an issue. Plus that obviously didn't know to shoot them in the head, and just like FTWD they would riot at first making people easy prey
Im a huge fan of the show myself. Although you didnt ask I'm offering my opinion of who Negan killed...Abraham. I came to this conclusion after analyzing shadows and tree positions. Like I said im a huge fan. I think id survive if it really happened. Btw the world health organization has a plan in case it ever transpires. A similar scenaro may not be that far fetched.