THE UPS OF A ATTACK BUILD The first up is epic battles. They will do much damage depending on their stats. They will do good in MOST epic battles. There are some epic battles that are all spies. They are also pretty good in war. If you are a good attack build you can pin many people in war and make decent money. They will do good in war. They can have great stats, a lot bigger stats then a hansel. Having this will let you be able to attack many people and defend attacks from people. This is good for people who don't care about farming since it IS a war game. THE DOWNS OF A ATTACK BUILD They DO NOT make as much gold as a hansel. They make decent gold when at max allies plunder but still DO NOT make as much gold as a hansel. Sadly they cost a whole lot of gold. Building a good attack build will cost a bunch of gold. some people say its not worth it and some people say it is. They take a lot of time to make a good one, a whole lot more time than you think. Only become a attack build if you have time. Thank you for reading THE UPS AND DOWNS OF A ATTACK BUILD NOTE- THIS IS ONLY SOME OF THE UPS AND DOWNS. THERE ARE MANY MORE SMALL ONES FOR BOTH UPS AND DOWNS.
A Hansel build takes longer than an attack build. And a Hansel isn't all guilds. It could be but most people convert to SOS which cost MORE than tier 4 attack buildings.
i know i said depending on how you build it attack build could cost more im not saying always im saying sometimes
I like my stables. They are nice. Because this happened... This happened.... LOOK AT ALL DEM STABLES!!!
Attack builds will make more of a hansel with gold out than a spy will stealing with the same amount of gold out. Attacks win 1% of total gold, steals win 0.8%. Most of your info is false, or partially correct (-25%)