The Unwritten Rules of EE Wars

Discussion in 'Wars' started by The_Philosopher, Jul 15, 2013.

  1. With the Ice hockey and basketball playoffs finally over, we Americans can now concentrate on our national sport: baseball. One thing that I have always found interesting about baseball is it code of unwritten rules, namely actions that are not against any written rule but nonetheless may draw the ire of the opposing team resulting in either a brawl or someone getting beaned on the head.

    From doing EE wars, we can see similar unwritten rules taking form. In this thread I would like to outline and discuss them, comparing them to similar ones in baseball.

    Disclaimer: I am just outlining the rules, I am by no means insisting anyone follow them. And yes, I am a hypocrite. Having said that, lets get on to the rules.

    Rule One: No Showboating
    Baseball: Admiring a homerun
    EE wars: Casting Unholy Aura
    Level of Insult: Low

    A team sport, baseball nevertheless is full of individual matchups and no one likes to be embarrassed individually. When a hitter stands and admires a homerun and circling the bases laughing and swinging his arms like a chimpanzee on speed, he is basically trashing the pitcher, and his teammate next in line can expect a beaner to follow.
    Since in EE wars the more you cast the more mith you make, you get some people casting everything whenever they get what they consider a favorable matchup. While the mechanics behind it is understandable, they are basically saying to their opponent that “we don’t respect you. You have nil chance of winning.” This is especially true if they cast Unholy Aura. Besides being the most expensive spell to cast, it does nothing to help you win the war, just takes extra gold from your opponent. Players who cast it (myself included) are basically saying to their opponents “Not only do you have no chance of winning, I’m going to exploit and make you suffer for my own personal benefit”. This is not necessarily the best message you want to send in a war game.

    Rule Two: Don’t Run of the Score
    Baseball: Stealing/bunting with a big lead.
    EE wars: hitting with little or no time left on the clock and a big lead.
    Level of Insult: Moderate

    In baseball, you are always to show respect to your opponent, even with a big lead. Part of this respect is to not scrounge for runs late in the game by either stealing or bunting. Such actions can be construed as an attempt to insult the opponent, and may lead to a bench-clearing brawl like the one between Canada and Mexico during the WBC.

    In EE wars, this applies less now with the new war mechanics, but was very prevalent during season one. Basically the bot tracker would say that so-and-so player would be coming out of KO with 8 seconds left in the game. Despite being up by 20-30 Bil, the tracker tells everyone to get “the last final KO”. However time expires and players still hit well after the time elapsed. This is rude because it is basically running up the score, and it also means the player must do with vanished paladin Eb will little troops to start. This can indeed irritate your opponent, and I had a case in my clan where my clanmate did this, then the opponent xstalled and pinned him back. An OSW almost broke out, but luckily we managed to calm people down. I understand many might want to fight to be very end, but with a big lead, it is much classier to turn off the tracking bot and let the lead run down.

    Rule Three: No Outside Dirty Help
    Baseball: No sign stealing
    EE Wars: No pre/mid war ally hiring.
    Level of Insult: High.

    In baseball sign stealing happens when the team figures out the opponent’s signs and relays the upcoming pitches to the batter. A common scenario is a guy on second base giving hand signals to the batter. While not technically against the rules, expect a knuckle sandwich if the opponent catches on.

    As for EE wars, while there is one amphibian idiot who finds this extremely funny, most players regard ally hiring or stripping mid war as being the the ultimate dirty move. Basically what happens is that 10-15 seconds before the war starts, some poor smuck gets all his allies hired away. Two things may result from this. One, he may hit away, oblivious to his stripping. However not being at max plunder, his damage is minimal. Two, he frantically tries to get new allies, and in the process doesn’t hit and gets KOed without doing a single action in return. In a sense, there is some good strategy behind this, but it is considered to be a very cowardly, dirty move. Nevertheless it happens. There were two high profile cases of this during the ASW last fall, with complaints made to the devs about it. Personally, it is something I would never do, and I wouldn’t tolerate my clanmates doing it either.

    Well, this concludes my thread. Personally, I am often guilty of committing the top two offenses. How about you? Has anyone commented all three and gotten away with it?

    PS: I also wished players would stop posting “Good war-respect” on my wall. Take your mith and leave, save me the spam. Lol

    Phil out.
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  3. 
  4. umm, Should I take a bow now? lol
  5. Lol. Very good..possibly add wall/forum insults to list? Or the follow/unfollow spamming?
  6. I admit to being guilty to the first two. However, if i feelvmy clan is at only a slight disadvantage I will cast unholy aura in the hopes i can earn just a little more plunder and help my team win. As far as the hitting to the end, I did fight all the way to the end at first, and still tell those I lead in battle to hit until the last second, but I rarely hit in the last 15 minutes of a blowout victory. Truth is, by that time I am probably bored and just dont feel like hitting anymore.

    As far a taking allies before or during war I find that behavior unacceptable and will not do it nor will I permit my team to strip an opponent either. These are not OSW wars. They are EE and meant to be a competition between equally strong opponents. I think all should gain a level of integrity(possibly mis-spelled but you know what Im saying) and just enjoy the new challenges the devs are trying to come up with to allow those of us who have become bored with ebs and farming. New challenges keep me playing. Otherwise I would quit and give my xtl money to other endevours which I also enjoy.
  7. Lol follow/unfollow spamming sounds really lame. Haven't experienced this firsthand yet.
  8. haha nice thread Phil
  9. Don't agree with #2. As far as baseball is concerned, no lead is safe. Game isn't over until 27 outs are recorded. Big lead or not you have to try to score to keep it that way.

    I've seen games in MLB where teams have rallied from 8-9 run deficits with 2 outs. So yeah if your team is built and tailored with speed as a weapon then stealing and bunting for hits is perfectly acceptable.
  10. How about being scouted after a match up and before the 0ne hour time is up. Or getting test hits before the war starts.
  11. @ cloud

    I don't think scouting is a big deal. After all, scouting is meant for reconnaissance
  12. Rule 2? So in war even though u are winning your unwritten rule, in which may I add all of the "unwritten rules" have now been written, entails not to hit the opposing side even if you have a sizeable lead? Umm it's kaw war not baseball
  13. I do all those accept hire allies. nothing wrong with hitting to the end, lead or not. And unholy aura gives you more mith pay out at the end.
  14. What about sending moles? 
  15. @iger

    Rule 2 does not entail Judy hitting to the end, it includes all the hits that come by "accident" after the war.
  16. Ohh. I only done that a couple times 
  17. @my post except*
  18. I thought this thread was about unwritten rules in ee and I thought pre hits were one of them. I guess I am i in the wrong thread.
  19. Truth Phil lol. Although it irritates me the most when someone casts unholy aura against me