The Untold Lands- Story of Ages

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *Salvamore (01), Aug 1, 2010.

  1. <~Prologue~>
    As when the cold winds blow to eastern seas, tidewater waves rising up the shores, flying above the clouds of dreaded red dragon descending across atop majestic forests, to the mystic woodlands where the magical elves and fairies play, beyond the fierce battles of mightly warriors, the ALMANTOSH the noblest of all, with words of courage you can hear them say "glory" and for king defend your honor unite our swords! fight til the end. With the galloping of horses, the clashing of sword and shield, king hima watches the battlefield overseeing from the castle walls, king hima and his men may have thought they had seeb victory but sadly no.. the enemy had now stormed the castle! the only hope of salvation lies in the holy chapel of oath, a few number of knights had taken guard there and prayed long and hard to their god.. The god of all JUSTICE and TRUTH.

    The BAttle raged on. the PROPHECY had
    never spoken of a DEMON SORCERER but to the kings eyes he had seen it
  2. The most powerful demon of the ancient lands!! somewhat lesser but certainly powerful even to mortal kind. While the rest of king hima's men stood next to the main gates, closing it trying to shut out the barberic monsters such file creatures disgusting such evil smells they walk of dirty flesh!! it wasnt enough for the demon sorcerer to find its way to the around the immense castle to jump into the king himas quarters and demand a surrender? absurd he would much rather perish then to lose to a replusive crazy wit demon.. King hima decided to escape by foot but he worried that the demon would attempt a thundrik spell that could surely paralyze him but likewise he had no choice, it was either flee or die fighting,.

    this war was not going to end like this, "speak of the devil!!!?" king hima had just remembered a teleportation spell he had been taught by the wise melandor head castle mage of helendria with no cost the king without no hesitation used the teleportation spell
  3. please dont bump stories written by short bus writers