Discussion in 'Wars' started by Silver-Hawk, Aug 23, 2013.

  1. Post here ALL your EE sour grapes if you lost. Seems war news is rife with poor losers
  2. [​IMG]

    I got KO'ed hard!
  3. I lost my grapes, now I an sour.

  4. Lol good one๎€Ž๎€Ž
  5. Of course Ashe with the funny pictures ;)
  6. Some can dish it but u can take it.
    Rock on
  7. Sorry to interrupt cats dying and big rabbit like things falling over from their laptops, but what is EE?
  8. Estoc edge. A type of system war
  9. Instead of laughing at them answer their question, ass
  10. Indeed killer. Some people dont know what certain things are. So what? Help them out if you know pass the info along. Remember at one time you were also a "noob"
  11. Every time I see that .gif I always watch it through 10 times and enjoy it everytime.

    Should I be seeing a phsychitrist?
  12. Since this thread seems to be about rage, I feel the need to go on a rant.[/IMG

    Who do you think is who in this photo? One person sucking up to another. Doesn't that sound familiar.......

    Moose or any other mod post a thread and it's automatically 30 pages with support.

    Of course, I love the mods but [size=7] YOU DON'T NEED TO SUCK UP TO THEM [/size]

    Just because they're a mod doesn't mean they're a god.

    A mod could make a stupid thread but have 30 pages of supporters. Another player could have a well thought out, interesting thread with 2 pages.

    I still love the mods and completely respect them, but I don't kiss their butts 24/7.


    Have a nice day. :lol:
  13. Picture failed. Anyway, felt good to get that out of my system lmao.

    It was supposed to be a pic of someone cleaning another guy's shoes and doing their work for them.